DraftKings and Tums Team Up for Tums Prop Bites Ahead of Super Bowl LVIII

DraftKings and Tums Team Up for Tums Prop Bites Ahead of Super Bowl LVIII

A partnership between sports-betting platform DraftKings and antacid brand Tums introduces a free-to-play game, Tums Prop Bites, centered around Super Bowl LVIII. The game allows consumers to bet on game-day food details for a chance to win part of a $10,000 prize pool. Additionally, Tums in partnership with GoPuff will be offering free product during the game, adding to the excitement of the event.


As the excitement builds for Super Bowl LVIII, sports-betting platform DraftKings and Tums, the antacid brand, have joined forces to bring a new and innovative game to fans. Titled Tums Prop Bites, the free-to-play game is set to engage consumers in a unique way, offering them the opportunity to bet on game-day food details for a chance to win a share of a $10,000 prize pool. This collaborative effort is not only a fun addition to the Super Bowl experience but also a strategic move by DraftKings and Tums to tap into the growing trend of sports betting and advertising.

Tums Prop Bites allows consumers to use a designated microsite to place their bets on various aspects of popular game-day foods, such as the number of pizzas to be delivered before halftime. The game aims to add an element of excitement and anticipation to the Super Bowl festivities, giving fans a chance to participate in the action and win attractive prizes. Additionally, Tums, in partnership with GoPuff, will be providing free product during the game, enhancing the overall experience for participants and spectators alike.

Insights and Significance

The collaboration between DraftKings and Tums ahead of Super Bowl LVIII reflects a strategic move to engage consumers and test their knowledge of game-day food habits while offering them the chance to win a cash prize. This partnership underscores the increasing integration of sports betting with advertising and promotional activities, especially in states where sports betting has become legal. The timing of the partnership is notable as Las Vegas, the host city of this year's Super Bowl, is set to host the event for the first time after being banned from running Super Bowl campaigns for two decades. This development signifies a significant shift in the sports and advertising landscape, further highlighting the evolving nature of the industry.

Tums Prop Bites, with its playful take on the popular 'prop bets' available through the DraftKings app, is designed to engage consumers aged 18 and above, offering them the opportunity to make informed guesses about various aspects of the Super Bowl's most popular foods. The free-to-play game, available until the day of Super Bowl LVIII, features a $10,000 prize pool and aims to capitalize on the growing popularity of sports betting. By partnering with DraftKings, Tums seeks to leverage the excitement surrounding pop culture and the Super Bowl while promoting the benefits of its antacid products in the context of indulging in greasy game day food.

In addition to the game, Tums, in collaboration with GoPuff, is offering a free 60-count bottle of Tums Chewy Bites to visitors of its designated microsite at halftime, providing a practical and relevant solution to counter the effects of indulging in game-day fare. Furthermore, the Tums Prop Bites Food Casino event, scheduled to kick off Super Bowl weekend, presents an opportunity for attendees to engage in interactive games and win prizes, adding an interactive and immersive dimension to the overall experience.

The collaboration between DraftKings and Tums comes at a time when the sports betting industry is experiencing significant growth and transformation, with legal sports betting becoming more widespread across the country. This partnership exemplifies the evolving landscape of advertising and promotional activities, as brands and platforms seek innovative ways to engage consumers and capitalize on the excitement surrounding major events like the Super Bowl.

The decision of DraftKings not to return to Super Bowl advertising this year, following its previous consecutive appearances, indicates the shifting strategies and priorities of companies within the sports-betting space. On the other hand, competitors such as BetMGM and FanDuel are making decisive moves to leverage the Super Bowl as a platform for brand exposure and engagement, signaling the competitive dynamics within the industry.

In parallel, consumer packaged goods brands, including Drumstick, Doritos, M&M’s, and Hellmann’s, have also announced their plans for Super Bowl advertising, reflecting the enduring appeal of the event as a high-impact marketing opportunity. Despite the challenges posed by a pullback in advertiser spending in 2023, brands have demonstrated a strong commitment to Super Bowl advertising, with advertising inventory selling out well in advance, underscoring the continued significance of the event in the advertising landscape.