Documentary Filmmaker Reveals Plan to "Redefine Christianity"

Documentary Filmmaker Reveals Plan to "Redefine Christianity"

In an exclusive interview with Dexerto, documentary filmmaker Kip Andersen shares insights on how the upcoming documentary aims to reshape the narrative of Christianity and its historical perspectives.

Kip Andersen, known for Cowspiracy and What the Health, is gearing up to release a new documentary called Christspiracy: The Spirituality Secret. During an exclusive interview with Dexerto, he shared insights on how the film aims to "rewrite Christianity."

Addressing two controversial topics in America - meat consumption and religion - Andersen and co-creator Kameron Waters demonstrate boldness in their upcoming investigative documentary. The film delves into the spiritual implications of killing animals, posing the question: is there a spiritual approach to this act?

This is not the first time the filmmaker has delved into the topic of veganism. Previous works include Cowspiracy: The Sustainability Secret, What the Health, and Seaspiracy, all of which explore the impact of animal product consumption and the meat and dairy industries on the environment and human health.

Christspiracy, on the other hand, focuses on the ethical implications of eating meat. Andersen and Waters uncovered what is believed to be the most significant cover-up in the past 2,000 years during their investigation. In a recent interview with Dexerto, Andersen shared that the film aims to "rewrite Christianity" with its revelations.

The Filmmaker Behind Christspiracy Reveals Plans to "Redefine Christianity"

During the production of Christspiracy, a five-year expedition took the filmmakers from Rome to Jerusalem, Oxford to India. They engaged with theologians, archeologists, farmers, and shamans to delve into the intricate relationship between religions and animals.

In their exploration of different religions, particular attention is paid to Christianity and the intriguing inquiry into Jesus's views on the consumption of animals. Throughout their investigation, Andersen and Waters unveil a number of significant discoveries indicating that the interpretations of certain biblical texts and the teachings of Jesus may have been altered.


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New insights are uncovered regarding various aspects of Christianity, ranging from the well-known “feeding the 5,000” verse to one of the Ten Commandments, as well as a historical event with significant implications for the crucifixion.

Andersen shares, "There were several profound revelations that came one after the other. The entire investigation and unveiling process, along with the discovery of how certain information has been concealed for over two millennia, is poised to revolutionize the understanding of Christianity."

Kip Andersen and Kameron Waters save a lamb in Christspiracy

Kip Andersen and Kameron Waters save a lamb in Christspiracy

Trafalgar ReleasingKip Andersen and Kameron Waters save a lamb in Christspiracy

Andersen emphasized that the film is not intended as a criticism of religion. In fact, he believes that the revelations in the film will enhance Christianity, stating, "We're not attacking Christianity in any way. Instead, we are uncovering the origins that brought about its beauty."

Experience Christspiracy: The Spirituality Secret in theaters globally from March 20, 2024. Tickets are available for purchase or donation, with 50% of the profits going towards animal welfare organizations.

Editor's P/S:

The upcoming documentary "Christspiracy: The Spirituality Secret" by Kip Andersen and Kameron Waters promises to ignite controversy by exploring the ethical implications of meat consumption and the potential alterations in Christian teachings. The filmmakers' bold approach to addressing sensitive topics is commendable, as they aim to provoke critical thinking and encourage a deeper understanding of the relationship between religion and animal welfare. While it remains to be seen how the film will reshape Christianity, its revelations have the potential to challenge conventional beliefs and foster a more compassionate perspective on the treatment of animals.

The filmmakers' extensive research and engagement with experts from diverse fields suggest a thorough investigation into the subject matter. By examining the historical context, scriptural interpretations, and the teachings of Jesus, they aim to shed light on potential distortions that may have occurred over time. It is crucial to approach such discussions with open-mindedness, respecting differing viewpoints while seeking truth and understanding. The film's ultimate impact will depend on its ability to present evidence and perspectives in a balanced and thought-provoking manner, encouraging viewers to critically evaluate their own beliefs and consider the ethical implications of their actions.