Doctor Who Solidifies 40-Year Old Companion Theory as Official Canon

Doctor Who Solidifies 40-Year Old Companion Theory as Official Canon

Doctor Who Canonizes 40-Year Old Companion Theory, Revealing Tegan & Nyssa's Unexpected Relationship Tales Of The TARDIS Corrects Past Plot Oversight

Article Overview

Doctor Who spinoff Tales of the TARDIS confirms long-held fan theory that Tegan and Nyssa were more than just friends.

In the reimagined spinoff series, the romantic connection between Tegan and Nyssa, overlooked in the 2022 Doctor Who special "Power of the Doctor," is reintroduced. By including Tegan's reference to Nyssa in an episode of Tales of the TARDIS, their romantic relationship is validated, rectifying the error made in "Power of the Doctor."

Doctor Who spinoff Tales of the TARDIS has just confirmed a theory that fans of the original show have held for a long time but was never officially acknowledged. Classic Doctor Who companions Tegan and Nyssa, portrayed by Janet Fielding and Sarah Sutton, were initially introduced during Tom Baker's Fourth Doctor era, but they are best remembered for their time with the Fifth Doctor. Throughout their on-screen journey, the bond between them seemed unusually close, causing fans to speculate that there was more to their friendship than met the eye.

Premiering on November 1, Tales of the TARDIS brings back Peter Davison as the Fifth Doctor and reintroduces Tegan's character. In the 2022 Doctor Who special "Power of the Doctor," the apparent romantic connection between Tegan and Nyssa was disregarded and seemingly removed from the storyline. However, the new spinoff series reinstates this beloved duo, confirming what fans have long suspected within the show's canon.

Doctor Who Canon Confirms Tegan & Nyssa Are A Couple

Doctor Who Solidifies 40-Year Old Companion Theory as Official Canon

After much speculation from fans, the relationship between Tegan and Nyssa appeared to be confirmed in Farewell, Sarah Jane, released in 2020. Russell T. Davies, who brought Doctor Who back to life in the 2005 revival, was instrumental in resurrecting the character Sarah Jane Smith, portrayed by Elisabeth Sladen. In commemoration of Sladen's passing in 2011 and as a conclusion to The Sarah Jane Adventures, Farewell Sarah Jane reunited former companions to pay their respects. In the audio of Farewell, Sarah Jane, there was a single line that explicitly acknowledged Tegan and Nyssa as a romantic couple. During the memorial service for Sarah Jane, Clyde mentioned "a lovely couple from Australia, Tegan and Nyssa," essentially confirming their romantic involvement. However, the episode "Power of the Doctor" in 2022 appeared to negate this revelation.

Tales Of The TARDIS Fixes "A Power Of The Doctor" Mistake

In a recent installment of Tales of the TARDIS, the duo's reunion is once again affirmed. During the encounter, Tegan not only reunites with the Fifth Doctor but also takes a moment to bid goodnight to Nyssa. "I was sound asleep, in my bed, when I bid Nyssa goodnight, and..." recounts Tegan, just before being pleasantly surprised by the arrival of the Fifth Doctor, causing her to become overwhelmed with emotion. The mention of Nyssa in this context holds great significance as it solidifies their relationship within the canon of the series, rectifying the oversight from a critical past episode.

Doctor Who Solidifies 40-Year Old Companion Theory as Official Canon

The canon revelation of "Farewell, Sarah Jane" was undone in a single episode titled "Power Of The Doctor." However, in this new episode, there is no mention of Nyssa whatsoever, suggesting that she was not a part of Tegan's story. This undermines the romance and relationship between Nyssa and Tegan that was previously established. Instead, Tegan teams up with Ace, a companion of the Seventh Doctor, to investigate the disappearance of scientists. Throughout their adventure, Tegan talks about her previous husbands but conveniently leaves out any reference to Nyssa. This represents a step backwards from the progress achieved in "Farewell, Sarah Jane."

Fortunately, Tales of the TARDIS has officially confirmed the existence of the couple by emphasizing Tegan's mention of Nyssa while she was half-asleep. Fans of Tegan and Nyssa from Doctor Who can now be certain that there was indeed a romantic relationship between them. After a wait of 40 years, it is satisfying to witness these characters finally receiving the genuine recognition they have long been deprived of. Mark your calendars for the premiere of the first Doctor Who 60th anniversary special, titled "The Star Beast," on Saturday, November 25.

Editor's P/S

As a Gen Z netizen, I grew up watching Doctor Who and have always been a fan of the show. I was excited to hear about the new spinoff series, Tales of the TARDIS, which confirms a long-held fan theory that Tegan and Nyssa were more than just friends. I think it's great that the show is finally acknowledging this relationship, which has been hinted at for years. It's also great to see that the show is continuing to explore the characters of Tegan and Nyssa, who are two of my favorite companions.

However, I'm disappointed that the show seems to be ignoring the events of the 2022 Doctor Who special, "Power of the Doctor," which appeared to negate the romantic connection between Tegan and Nyssa. I understand that the showrunners may want to retcon this storyline, but I think it's important to respect the continuity of the show. I hope that future episodes of Tales of the TARDIS will address this discrepancy and provide a more satisfying explanation for the relationship between Tegan and Nyssa.

Overall, I'm excited about the new direction that Tales of the TARDIS is taking and I'm looking forward to seeing more of Tegan and Nyssa. I hope that the show will continue to explore their relationship and give them the happy ending they deserve.