Doctor Who Showrunner Pays Homage to Disney in 'The Church on Ruby Road'
Russell T Davies, the showrunner of Doctor Who, revealed that a pivotal moment in 'The Church on Ruby Road' was a tribute to a beloved Disney animated feature. The 2023 seasonal special marked Ncuti Gatwa's first solo adventure as the Fifteenth Doctor, introducing the new incarnation of the Time Lord and Millie Gibson's new companion, Ruby Sunday. The special featured a climactic moment that paid homage to an iconic Disney scene, as explained by Davies during the BBC iPlayer commentary.
The Homage to Disney in 'The Church on Ruby Road'
Doctor Who showrunner Russell T Davies reveals that one pivotal moment in 'The Church on Ruby Road' involving the Goblin King was a tribute to a beloved Disney animated feature. The 2023 seasonal special was Ncuti Gatwa's first solo adventure as the Fifteenth Doctor, fully introducing the new incarnation of the Time Lord and Millie Gibson's new companion, Ruby Sunday. In 'The Church on Ruby Road,' the Doctor and Ruby face a horde of goblins led by a ginormous Goblin King, who jumps through time and uses manipulations of probability to abduct and eat children.
Ruby Sunday and the Fifteenth Doctor looking around at the Goblin ship and smiling in the Doctor Who seasonal special
With more hype for Gatwa's future adventures in Doctor Who season 14, Davies revealed during the BBC iPlayer commentary for 'The Church on Ruby Road' that the climactic moment, where the Doctor uses the Intelligent Gloves to drag the Goblin Ship down to Earth in 2004, pays tribute to an iconic Disney moment. While speaking to Gibson and producer Chris May, the showrunner compared the moment when the Goblin King is impaled to the scene where the trident-empowered Ursula (Pat Carroll) is impaled by the ship's prow in the final act of 1989's The Little Mermaid.
Future Doctor Who Stories Will Lean Further Into Fantasy The goblins and their Disney-inspired fate are only part of a larger shift in the direction of Doctor Who in Davies' second tenure as showrunner. The showrunner stated that the series is set to expand its vision and take a more fantastical approach to its world. This does not mean stepping away from more scientific foes or harder sci-fi storytelling but opening itself up for more varied tales. The ground for these changes may have been established in Doctor Who's 60th-anniversary specials by the Fourteenth Doctor (David Tennant) evoking superstition at the edge of the universe, allowing for the return of the immeasurably powerful Toymaker (Neil Patrick Harris) and other beings like him.
Fantasy in Doctor Who Season 14
These changes could be seen early on in Doctor Who season 14, as one of Gatwa's earliest foes takes its name from one of the most popular and well-known mythical fables known across the globe. In the television documentary Imagine... Russell T Davies: The Doctor and Me, Davies took host Alan Yentob on a set tour for season 14. He introduced a highly pixelated villain named 'The Boogeyman' on the set that resembles a corridor seen in the behind-the-scenes show Doctor Who: Unleashed's first teaser for season 14's debut episode. As such, the upcoming season's mythological approach may be seen as soon as Gatwa's new adventures air.
While audiences have been curious about how the BBC and Disney+'s Doctor Who deal may impact the show, the inspirations behind 'The Church on Ruby Road' may come as a surprise. The parallels become more obvious upon subsequent viewings and feel fitting for Davies' more fantastical vision. With the showrunner keen on bringing more fantasy to the Whoniverse, eagle-eyed watchers may be keen to see whether more fairy-tale allusions appear in future episodes.
Doctor Who: The Church on Ruby Road is available on Disney+ internationally and BBC iPlayer for UK viewers, while season 14 is set to air in May 2024.