Doctor Applauds Stewie's Hilarious Family Guy Choking Scene, Leaving Everyone in Awe!
Meg saves the day with a well-executed Heimlich maneuver in Stewie's outrageous Family Guy choking scene, leaving audiences pleasantly surprised
ER Doctor Jordan Wagner praises Family Guy's accuracy in a scene where Stewie chokes on a grape, noting how the Heimlich maneuver is depicted correctly.
Despite its absurd elements, the accuracy of the choking scene showcases the show's knack for seamlessly integrating real-life situations with humor.
The fact that Family Guy consistently portrays medical situations accurately implies that upcoming episodes might incorporate even more medically precise jokes, further enhancing the hilarity of the show.
ER Doctor Jordan Wagner responds positively to the accuracy of a scene in Family Guy where Stewie Griffin chokes on a grape. Despite the show's reputation for outrageous events, Wagner commends the portrayal of this particular scenario. Check out the video on his Doctor ER YouTube channel.
In his analysis, Wagner (which starts at 0:24) delves into the accuracy of Stewie's choking and Meg's subsequent use of the Heimlich maneuver in replicating a real-life choking incident with an infant. For a comprehensive examination of the scene, refer to Wagner's complete analysis presented below:
Sometimes, when you swallow a grape without chewing it properly, it can feel like it is stuck in your airway, specifically pushing on your trachea. This sensation is a common indication of choking, as portrayed by Stewie. In such situations, it is customary to approach the person and ask, "Are you choking?" After receiving a confirmation, you may offer to perform the Heimlich maneuver.
Great! You're observing the tracheal rings, which are circular structures that surround the trachea and provide support to keep it open. During intubation, a flexible tube called a bougie, similar to a plastic straw, is inserted into the airway. It has a small curved end, resembling a hockey stick, which allows the tracheal rings to be felt. Additionally, in a classic scenario, a person turning blue indicates a lack of adequate oxygen supply to their body tissues.
There it is. Meg performed the Heimlich maneuver correctly. Essentially, you perform abdominal thrusts while standing directly behind the person. You thrust just below the ribs, pushing inward and upward, with the intention of dislodging the grape.
When dealing with infants, you would perform abdominal thrusts in a similar manner but with slight modifications. You would hold the baby securely, and then carefully turn them over and gently tap their back to assist in the removal of the obstruction.
Why Stewie's Family Guy Choking Scene Is So Surprising
Stewie choking on grapes is just one of the many hilarious moments centered around food that have occurred throughout the history of the show. Another standout example is in season 4, when Brian dons a banana costume and dances to the catchy tune "It's Peanut Butter Jelly Time!!!" while playing the maracas. Food-related jokes continue to be a recurring theme in the series, like when Peter works at Stop & Shop in season 22.
What makes the scene of Stewie choking on grapes even more surprising is how accurately it is portrayed, despite the presence of absurd elements. The grapes themselves seem to have a life of their own, singing a song as Stewie - a toddler with an advanced vocabulary - consumes one. This moment demonstrates how the show's humor can draw inspiration from real-life experiences while also incorporating surreal elements for comedic effect.
Given that Family Guy shows no signs of coming to an end, it is probable that there will be additional medically accurate jokes mixed in with the show's more outlandish happenings, such as Stewie and Brian's time travel adventures. Consequently, it is reasonable to expect that a future scene will humorously highlight the accuracy of food-related situations similar to Stewie choking on grapes. Regardless of the outcome, the show will likely portray it with surprising accuracy.