Disney Dreamlight Valley: Complete Guide to Goofy Stall Locations and Merchandise Inventory

Disney Dreamlight Valley: Complete Guide to Goofy Stall Locations and Merchandise Inventory

Discover the enchanting world of Disney Dreamlight Valley and uncover the delightful Goofy Stalls, each offering unique treasures From the serene Peaceful Meadow to the captivating Glittering Dunes, explore these mystical locations and uncover the wondrous inventory they hold

In Disney Dreamlight Valley, the economy relies heavily on selling unwanted goods to Goofy, who operates several stalls throughout the valley. Each stall offers a different variety of seeds and produce, and there are a total of nine stalls in the game. To open a stall, an initial purchase is required, followed by two more upgrades to unlock everything Goofy can sell. The cost of each stall and its upgrades varies from biome to biome, with earlier ones being cheaper and late-game biomes being more expensive. The upgrades generally range from 1,000 coins to 25,000 coins, and once a biome is unlocked, the corresponding stall becomes accessible.

All Goofy Stalls Inventories

Peaceful Meadow

Lettuce Seeds


Wheat Seeds


Carrot Seeds

Dazzle Beach

Sugarcane Seeds


Tomato Seeds


Corn Seeds

Forest of Valor

Bell Pepper Seeds


Canola Seeds


Onion Seeds


Glade of Trust

Rice Seed


Spinach Seed


Okra Seeds


Sunlit Plateau

Chili Pepper Seeds

Cotton Seeds

Zucchini Seeds

Chili Peppers

Soya Seeds


Frosted Heights

Cucumber Seeds


Eggplant Seeds

Asparagus Seeds


Forgotten Lands

Pumpkin Seeds


Potato Seeds


Leek Seeds

Ancient's Landing

Wheat Seeds

Celery Seeds

Canola Seeds

Grape Seeds

Yam Seeds

Cosmic Fig Seeds

Glittering Dunes

Corn Seeds

Broccoli Seeds

Chili Pepper Seeds

Melon Seeds

Bean Seeds

Flute Root Seeds

Wild Tangle

Tomato Seeds

Cabbage Seeds

Turnip Seeds

Pineapple Seeds

Potato Seeds

Ruby Lentil Seeds

You can also check out Our Website's 20 tips for beginners guide as well as our Disney Dreamlight Valley gem guide.

Editor's P/S

As a Gen Z fan, I am thrilled about the release of Disney Dreamlight Valley. The game combines the magical world of Disney with the fun and creativity of life simulation games. I love exploring the valley, meeting my favorite Disney characters, and completing quests to unlock new areas and items.

The Goofy Stalls are a great way to earn money and get the resources you need to progress in the game. I enjoy visiting each stall and seeing what unique items they have to offer. It's also fun to haggle with Goofy to get the best price for my goods. Overall, I think Disney Dreamlight Valley is a fantastic game that offers something for everyone. I can't wait to see what new content is added in the future.