Discovering the Enigmatic Farmer in Enshrouded
Embark on a thrilling quest to locate and liberate the Farmer, a crucial character in Enshrouded, and unlock the secrets of crop cultivation and survival.
Unveiling the Mystery of the Farmer
Enshrouded is a world teeming with adventure and danger, yet amidst the chaos, lies an opportunity to cultivate the very land you traverse. To embark on this journey, you must seek the aid of a particular NPC \/non-playable character\/ known as the Farmer. This guide will lead you through the intricate steps to find and free the Farmer in Enshrouded, and unlock the potential of crop cultivation in your home base.
The Quest for the Ancient Vault - Farmer
The path to finding the Farmer begins with locating the Ancient Vault - Farmer landmark. Situated north of the Springlands Ancient Spire fast travel point, this landmark is the key to discovering the enigmatic Farmer. Embark on a journey to reach the Ancient Vault - Farmer and uncover its hidden secrets, as depicted in the map below.
The map shows the location of the Ancient Vault - Farmer.
Navigating the Path to the Ancient Vault
Your journey to the Ancient Vault - Farmer starts with clearing the Ancient Spire - Springlands, providing you with an elevated vantage point to survey the surrounding terrain. Equipped with a Glider, soar through the air and set course northward. As you traverse, you'll come across the village of Ferndale, a hotbed of activity. Exercise caution, as the area is rife with formidable foes. Instead, follow the path leading to the ruins, marking the beginning of your intriguing expedition.
Traversing the Ancient Vault - Farmer Interior
To liberate the Farmer, you must overcome the platforming trials within the Ancient Vault. Your challenges include navigating through a room with lava, traversing a corridor with electrified orbs, utilizing a Grappling Hook to swing across latches, and evading treacherous spike traps. Conquer these obstacles to reach the Farmer and set her free, unlocking a wealth of cultivation possibilities for your base.
Harnessing the Farmer's Crafting Abilities
Upon releasing the Farmer from her captivity, you gain access to her remarkable crafting abilities. With her aid, you can create Farm Soil and Seedbeds, essential components for nurturing plants and sustaining life within your base. Embrace the potential of the Farmer's services, as it heralds the beginning of a thriving agricultural venture in the perilous world of Enshrouded.
You can start growing crops once you unlock the Farmer's services in the game.
Embarking on a New Chapter in Enshrouded
The liberation of the Farmer marks the commencement of a new chapter in your Enshrouded odyssey. With the ability to cultivate crops, your survival chances increase exponentially. Keep in mind that the Farmer is not the only NPC awaiting discovery. The journey promises encounters with the Alchemist, Carpenter, and Hunter as you traverse the cursed lands of Enshrouded. Brace yourself for the challenges that lie ahead, and let the land yield to your efforts as you embark on this thrilling adventure.