Discover Your Gaming Preference: Zelda or Mario? Nintendo’s Switch Year-In-Review Website Has the Answer

Discover Your Gaming Preference: Zelda or Mario? Nintendo’s Switch Year-In-Review Website Has the Answer

Discover your gaming habits with Nintendo's Switch Year-In-Review website Unveiling your first game of 2023, total playtime, and genre preferences, delve into the exciting insights and trends that shaped your gaming experience

Nintendo is getting in on the end-of-year excitement with a new website that provides personalized statistics about your most-played Switch games, total hours spent playing games, and more. The Switch Year in Review will help you see which game took up most of your time in 2023, whether it was The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom or Super Mario Bros. Wonder.

This new feature from Nintendo follows in the footsteps of similar tools from PlayStation and Xbox. Sony's Wrap-Up showcases earned trophies, while Microsoft's Year in Review reveals the number of achievements unlocked. Nintendo doesn't have the exact same feature, but it does provide a breakdown of your favorite genres. The website also reminds you of the first game you played this year, which, for me, was Metroid Prime Remastered.

Nintendo's website provides a monthly breakdown of hours played, along with specific information about which game took up the most time in each month such as January and February. The Switch Year in Review also invites users to share their Game of the Year for 2023. Looking forward, Nintendo Switch owners can anticipate playing a few remakes in early 2024. January will see the release of Another Code: Recollection, followed by the release of Mario vs. Donkey Kong in February.

Editor's P/S

As a hard fan of Nintendo Switch, I am thrilled with the launch of the Switch Year-In-Review website. It's an exciting way to reflect on my gaming habits and discover new insights into my preferences. The personalized statistics provide a unique perspective on my gaming journey throughout the year. I can't wait to explore the website and see which games captivated my attention the most.

The website's ability to showcase my first game of 2023 and provide a monthly breakdown of hours played adds a nostalgic touch to the experience. It's fascinating to see how my gaming interests have evolved over time. Additionally, the option to share my Game of the Year for 2023 adds a social element, allowing me to connect with other Nintendo fans and celebrate our shared passion for gaming. Overall, Nintendo's Switch Year-In-Review website is a fantastic initiative that enhances the gaming experience and fosters a sense of community among Nintendo enthusiasts.