Get ready for an exciting documentary experience with Once Upon a Time in Uganda. Directed by Cathryne Czubek, this fascinating film chronicles the unexpected rise of a brickmaker to Internet fame, all thanks to his love for action movies. The documentary made its debut at DocNYC in 2021 and was soon acquired by Yellow Veil Pictures and Drafthouse Films for US distribution.
The film focuses on the friendship between filmmaker Isaac Nabwana and film enthusiast Alan Hofmanis, who bonded over their shared passion for Chuck Norris and '80s action flicks. Through Isaac's unique comedic vision and penchant for onscreen explosions, the small film studio of Wakaliwood in Uganda achieved international acclaim. Check out an exclusive clip from the documentary and be sure to take a look at Screen Rant's first look at the poster.
What We Know About Once Upon a Time in Uganda
The Wakaliwood crew's resourceful approach to bringing their gory vision to life is on full display in the Once Upon a Time in Uganda clip. Using condoms as makeshift blood bags, the crew creates a visually striking effect that elicits laughter from all involved. Director Nabwana's hands-on approach to storytelling results in a film that is both entertaining and enjoyable for audiences and creatives alike. Drafthouse Films CEO Nick Savva expressed his team's attraction to stories that explore a deep love for cinema, and this film is no exception. Co-Founder of Yellow Veil Pictures, Hugues Barbier, found the documentary compelling because it not only showcases Issac Nabwana's passion for storytelling and spectacle, but also tells a touching story of friendship.
Teaming up with Drafthouse Films to bring this gem to the public is a natural choice as it reminds us why we love films in the first place. The film was co-written by Amanda Hughes and directed by Czubek, who also produced it alongside Gigi Dement, Hugo Perez, Matt Porwoll, and Kyaligamba Ark Martin. The anticipation of seeing the film with a cheering and laughing audience is thrilling.
Once Upon a Time in Uganda is hitting Drafthouse theaters across the country starting on July 14, preceded by select sneaks on July 4. The film will have an On Demand release on July 25.