Discover the Ideal Romance Anime for Newcomers on HIDIVE

Discover the Ideal Romance Anime for Newcomers on HIDIVE

Begin your romance anime journey with this perfect starting point on HIDIVE.

Tada Never Falls in Love, an exclusive series on HIDIVE, is a great introduction to the romance genre for anime beginners. The romantic elements in the show are subtle, taking a backseat to the theme of friendship. The characters of Tada and Teresa are the highlights of the series, as they quickly become immersed in their group of friends.

In episode #1, Tada and Teresa's initial meeting follows typical romantic tropes. However, the series maintains an ironic tone as their interactions feel innocent and lacking in any real romantic undertones.

The competitive photography club group in Tada Never Falls In Love - Although some might argue that the best introduction to romance anime would be one with a typical focus that's inundated with the genre's best cliches and tropes, those who have a lower tolerance for it and need to be eased into the fray would undoubtedly appreciate how Tada Never Falls in Love first presents itself

The competitive photography club group in Tada Never Falls In Love - Although some might argue that the best introduction to romance anime would be one with a typical focus that's inundated with the genre's best cliches and tropes, those who have a lower tolerance for it and need to be eased into the fray would undoubtedly appreciate how Tada Never Falls in Love first presents itself

Tada Never Falls in Love offers a refreshing take on romance anime, catering to those with a lower tolerance for cliches and tropes. This unique approach serves as a gentle introduction to the genre, making it more accessible for viewers who may be new to romantic anime series.

Tada Never Falls in Love Is The Perfect Storm For What Kills Romance

An original series produced by Doga Kobo

Photography competition in Tada Never Falls In Love - An original series produced by Doga Kobo - Tada Never Falls in Love Is The Perfect Storm For What Kills Romance

Photography competition in Tada Never Falls In Love - An original series produced by Doga Kobo - Tada Never Falls in Love Is The Perfect Storm For What Kills Romance

Tada and Teresa's personalities, if they were with other partners, would individually prevent any romance from blossoming. However, when together, they create a "perfect storm" that captivates viewers, explaining the series' undeniable appeal despite its avoidance of overtly romantic scenes. The title of the series hints at Tada's immunity to love, while Teresa's innocent and exuberant nature easily masks any romantic inclinations she may have. Additionally, the introduction of a diverse cast of characters early on leaves little room for Tada and Teresa to share intimate moments.

The romance in the story is overshadowed by irony, making it more of a background element rather than the main focus. Teresa, a transfer student from Luxemburg, is in a potentially romantic situation in a new country, which is a common theme in anime like Hokkaido Gals Are Super Adorable! However, despite the ideal setup, it seems that Tada's cat is the only one involved in any romantic endeavors.

Nyanko Big in Tada Never Falls In Love

Nyanko Big in Tada Never Falls In Love

Aside from its mood-killing irony, the series' overall delivery helps subvert love tropes or puts more emphasis on friendship. In fact, the first truly romantic encounter is ironically between two random characters in episode #3 who are mere customers in Tada's family café. Incredibly, the episode is told from the perspective of Tada's cat, giving the whole scene and others like it a more ridiculous perspective. This is especially the case when Teresa experiences her first romantic moment soon afterward, which, however, goes unnoticed by the previously perceptive feline.

A novel adaptation of the series, titled Tada-kun wa Koi o Shinai Teresa Wagner no Jijō, was published by Kadokawa in 2018.

This Teresa moment in Tada Never Falls in Love exemplifies how the series cleverly subverts typical romance tropes. Instead of overreacting like most protagonists would in a similar situation, Teresa simply pauses briefly before proceeding with the act of an indirect kiss, devoid of any unnecessary drama. The cat's misinterpretation further adds to the unique twist on the conventional delivery of romantic scenes in anime.

For fans of the romance genre looking for a refreshing take on the usual tropes, Tada Never Falls in Love offers a tone and direction that sets it apart. It serves as a perfect entry point for those hesitant to dive into the genre, providing all the classic heartwarming moments leading up to a surprising finale.

Tada Never Falls in Love is exclusively streaming on HIDIVE


Editor's P/S: