Discover the Enchanting World of Scales at Disney Dreamlight Valley

Discover the Enchanting World of Scales at Disney Dreamlight Valley

Discover the ultimate fishing spot in Disney Dreamlight Valley to find the elusive Scales Uncover the secret location and embark on an exciting quest to reel in these prized treasures

Where to get Scales in Disney Dreamlight Valley

When it comes to finding materials for crafting cool decorations in Disney Dreamlight Valley, Scales can be a bit tricky to locate. But don't worry, we've got all the details on where to find them.

If you're ready to track down some Scales in Disney Dreamlight Valley, make sure you've got the A Rift in Time expansion. Once you have that, you'll also need to unlock access to The Oasis, which is located within The Glittering Dunes biome. Keep in mind that unlocking this area will require 6,000 Mist, so you may need to put in some extra effort if you're still early in the expansion's main quest.

Discover the Enchanting World of Scales at Disney Dreamlight Valley

To obtain Scales, you can fish them up in The Oasis. Once you have gained access to The Oasis, make your way to the lower end of the area and cast your line into the water, making sure to avoid any ripples. This means avoiding the white, blue, or gold circles. With a few attempts, you should start catching Scales using this technique. Keep at it until you have collected as many as you need.

While you are fishing, take the opportunity to also locate Plastic Scrap. For further information on Disney Dreamlight Valley, refer to our comprehensive guides hub.

Editor's P/S

As a Gen Z fan, I'm thrilled about the introduction of the A Rift in Time expansion and the opportunity to explore new areas like The Oasis in Disney Dreamlight Valley. The quest to find Scales adds an exciting challenge to the game, and I can't wait to unlock the secrets of The Glittering Dunes biome. The detailed instructions provided in the article make it easy for me to follow and embark on this new adventure.

The fishing aspect of the game is one of my favorite features, and the addition of Scales as a rare catch adds a new level of excitement. I appreciate the tip to avoid ripples in the water to increase my chances of catching Scales. This kind of attention to detail enhances the overall gaming experience and encourages exploration. I'm looking forward to spending hours immersed in the enchanting world of Disney Dreamlight Valley, discovering new treasures, and creating unique decorations with the Scales I collect.