Discover the Astounding Transformation of Azeroth: A Comparison of World of Warcraft's Epic Map Changes Over the Years!

Discover the Astounding Transformation of Azeroth: A Comparison of World of Warcraft's Epic Map Changes Over the Years!

Discover the astonishing evolution of Azeroth! Delve into a fascinating fan-shared map from 1999, showcasing the dramatic transformations that have shaped the World of Warcraft over the years


A World of Warcraft fan shares an early concept map of Azeroth from 1999, showing a different version of the game's world.

The map shows that Kalimdor was smaller and Ulduar was a distinct continent, unlike the present version.

In addition, early Warcraft art portrays the Night Elves as Dark Elves and showcases distinct attributes and origins for this race.

A World of Warcraft enthusiast recently unveiled an early 1999 concept map of Azeroth, pre-dating both the game and even Warcraft 3. This unique map showcases a distinctively different Azeroth, unlike the one players currently explore in-game.

Having existed for almost three decades, the Warcraft universe has undergone significant transformations. With three real-time strategy games, their expansions, numerous novels, and almost twenty years of World of Warcraft, Azeroth has evolved dramatically from its original form.

World of Warcraft enthusiast Oyku recently shared an ancient depiction of Azeroth on their personal Twitter account. Created in 1999 by the renowned Warcraft figure Chris Metzen, this map was painted on a wall within Blizzard headquarters' Team 2 area. The map showcases a divergent Azeroth, with the Eastern Kingdoms retaining a similar layout, albeit located further north compared to its present-day counterpart. In contrast, Kalimdor appears notably smaller than its eventual expansion. Moreover, Ulduar is depicted as a distinct continent to the south of Kalimdor, as opposed to its portrayal as a smaller part of Northrend in the expansion pack "Wrath of the Lich King."

Interestingly, this is not the sole early piece of Warcraft artwork making rounds on the internet. Other early maps situated the Tomb of Sargeras in closer proximity to Kalimdor, spelled the continent of Northrend as "Northrond," and referred to the Night Elves of World of Warcraft as Dark Elves. This premature iteration of the popular race was depicted by Metzen as even more savage and untamed, embodying telepathic, axe-wielding warriors who constructed mountain fortresses and carried vials of water sourced from the Well of Eternity.

Discover the Astounding Transformation of Azeroth: A Comparison of World of Warcraft's Epic Map Changes Over the Years!

Seeing old art like this is a nostalgic treat for fans of the Warcraft universe. This concept art from the early days of World of Warcraft can be a surprising reminder of how long the game has been around. It's like unearthing a piece of ancient history, especially for younger players who weren't even born when these designs were created. Comparing the evolution of World of Warcraft and its inhabitants over the years is a captivating experience for many. However, some may feel a twinge of bittersweetness, wishing that some of these early ideas had materialized in the game.

World of Warcraft is constantly expanding, with the release of Dragonflight Patch 10.1.7 and the upcoming Patch 10.2 introducing a new zone. In addition, fans are eagerly anticipating the announcement of the next expansion pack at BlizzCon in early November. Despite the unexpected direction Warcraft has taken over the past 25 years, many long-time players await the future adventures that Azeroth has to offer. World of Warcraft is currently available for PC.
