Devastating Tragedy Unfolds: Horrific Bus Collision in South Africa Claims 20 Lives, Engulfing Vehicle in Flames

Devastating Tragedy Unfolds: Horrific Bus Collision in South Africa Claims 20 Lives, Engulfing Vehicle in Flames

20 mine workers killed in South Africa as bus collides head-on with truck, engulfing in flames Tragic incident in Limpopo province

A head-on collision between a bus and a truck in South Africa's Limpopo province on Sunday resulted in the deaths of at least 20 individuals, primarily mine workers. According to state media, the bus caught fire, leading to the fatalities. The Limpopo transport department confirmed that 20 people died at the scene, with an additional two deaths occurring at the hospital. The total number of passengers on the bus and the existence of any survivors are currently unknown.

The vehicles collided on a major road between Musina town and Venetia mine in the northern Limpopo province, the transport agency added.

Devastating Tragedy Unfolds: Horrific Bus Collision in South Africa Claims 20 Lives, Engulfing Vehicle in Flames

A head-on collision between a bus and a cash-in-transit van has left 20 people dead in South Africa's northern Limpopo province

From ER24

South Africa bus crash leaves 20 dead, numerous hospitalized. According to initial reports, Murray and Roberts, the company employing the deceased miners, confirmed that 18 of their employees en route to the Venetia mine lost their lives in the tragic incident.

Venetia Mine holds the title of being South Africa's largest diamond producer. Social media videos depicted a distressing scene of the bus crash, with bodies scattered on the ground and a billowing plume of black smoke emanating from the bus.

Limpopos transport department said it will visit the mine "to get a full report regarding the accident."

This is the second bus crash involving huge casualties in the Limpopo province this year.

In February, around 20 people were killed in a head-on crash between a bus and a cash-in-transit van, officials said at the time.