Devastating Aerial Strike on Syrian Military College Shatters Lives, Unveiling Unseen Horrors

Devastating Aerial Strike on Syrian Military College Shatters Lives, Unveiling Unseen Horrors

Drones armed with explosives struck a military college graduation ceremony in Homs, Syria, causing a significant number of casualties, according to the defense ministry's statement

Several drones carrying explosives targeted a military college graduation ceremony in the western city of Homs, Syria on Wednesday, resulting in numerous casualties, according to a statement from Syria's defense ministry. The statement mentioned that there were multiple injured soldiers, as well as invited families – including women and children – who suffered critical injuries. Additionally, a group of college students attending the graduation were also affected by the attack. The statement further emphasized that the drones initiated the strike right after the ceremony concluded.

The defense ministry attributed the responsibility to "terrorist organizations backed by internationally recognized parties." Despite this, no group has officially acknowledged their involvement. The Syrian armed forces labeled the attack as "unprecedented" and pledged to retaliate "decisively and forcefully," cautioning that those responsible for planning and carrying out the assault will face severe consequences.