Delicious Pan-Seared Bass & Veggie Medley: Disney Dreamlight Valley Recipe Revealed!

Delicious Pan-Seared Bass & Veggie Medley: Disney Dreamlight Valley Recipe Revealed!

A delectable dish awaits you at Disney Dreamlight Valley: Pan-seared Bass & Vegetables Satisfy pescatarians with this easy-to-make culinary masterpiece

In Disney Dreamlight Valley, there is a diverse range of cooking recipes available. These recipes are conveniently organized into different categories such as Appetizers, Entrees, and Desserts. Additionally, the cooking ingredients are also categorized into sections like Fruits, Vegetables, Grains, Fish, and more. To enhance the gameplay experience, players have the opportunity to experiment with the cooking system by combining various ingredients at a cooking station, thereby uncovering new recipes.

While players can learn a few recipes by completing quests and obtaining books, the majority of the cooking recipes are discovered through trial and error. However, for those players who are eager to complete their recipe book swiftly without wasting ingredients, here is the comprehensive list of required ingredients for preparing the delicious entree called Pan-Seared Bass & Vegetables in Disney Dreamlight Valley.

How to Craft Pan-Seared Bass & Vegetables

Delicious Pan-Seared Bass & Veggie Medley: Disney Dreamlight Valley Recipe Revealed!

To create a delightful dish of Pan-Seared Bass & Vegetables, simply catch a Bass through Fishing and combine it with any available vegetables at a cooking station. The ingredients needed for this recipe are:

1 Bass fish

2 Vegetable Options (Asparagus, Bell Pepper, Carrot, Chili Pepper, Cucumber, Eggplant, Leek, Lettuce, Mushroom, Okra, Onion, Potato, Pumpkin, Spinach, Tomato, Zucchini)

This main dish is a simple and delicious recipe that can be easily made. It provides a substantial boost of energy and can also be sold at Goofy's Stall to earn Star Coins. The selling price and energy restoration values vary depending on the vegetables chosen for the dish.

How to Obtain Ingredients for Pan-Seared Bass & Vegetables

Delicious Pan-Seared Bass & Veggie Medley: Disney Dreamlight Valley Recipe Revealed!

Bass can be easily found and obtained by fishing in the Forest of Valor, Frosted Heights, Peaceful Meadow, and Sunlit Plateau biomes. To catch Bass, avoid fishing in the pools and instead fish in the open water.

On the other hand, vegetable ingredients can be grown from seeds purchased at Goofy's Stalls across the valley. The player can choose any combination of two vegetables or opt to use two Mushrooms, which can be foraged in the Glade of Trust. Below is where players can buy the vegetables or their seeds in Disney Dreamlight Valley, when available:



Sells For


Frosted Heights from Goofy’s Stall

113 Star Coins

Bell Pepper

Forest of Valor from Goofy’s Stall

33 Star Coins


Peaceful Meadow from Goofy’s Stall

44 Star Coins

Chili Pepper

Sunlit Plateau from Goofy’s Stall

78 Star Coins


Frosted Heights from Goofy’s Stall

159 Star Coins


Frosted Heights from Goofy’s Stall

308 Star Coins


Forgotten Lands from Goofy’s Stall

309 Star Coins


Peaceful Meadow from Goofy’s Stall

8 Star Coins


Glade of Trust from Goofy’s Stall

114 Star Coins


Forest of Valor from Goofy’s Stall

170 Star Coins


Forgotten Lands from Goofy’s Stall

126 Star Coins


Forgotten Lands from Goofy’s Stall

664 Star Coins


Glade of Trust from Goofy’s Stall

41 Star Coins


Dazzle Beach from Goofy’s Stall

22 Star Coins


Sunlit Plateau from Goofy’s Stall

52 Star Coins

Disney Dreamlight Valley is available now on Nintendo Switch, PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.