Decoding the Conclusion of Ordinary Angels

Decoding the Conclusion of Ordinary Angels

Unraveling the fate of Michelle in Ordinary Angels: What really happens in the end?

Warning: Spoilers ahead for the movie Ordinary Angels.

The conclusion of Ordinary Angels addresses the crucial question of whether Michelle survives long enough to undergo a liver transplant. Starring Hilary Swank and Alan Ritchson, the film opens with the birth of Michelle and the tragic death of her mother. The storyline then shifts to Sharon, a woman who indulges in heavy drinking at a bar, dances on the counter, and wakes up the next day with a severe hangover. Following this, Sharon is taken to Alcoholics Anonymous by her friend Rose, who then leaves her there. After the meeting, Sharon heads to the store.

Sharon comes across a newspaper article detailing the story of Michelle, a 5-year-old girl battling a liver disease after losing her mother. Intrigued by the article, Sharon attends the funeral where she meets Ed and his daughters, Michelle and Ashley. Inspired by their story, Sharon takes it upon herself to raise funds to assist with the family's medical expenses.

The Heartwarming Conclusion of Michelle's Journey in Ordinary Angels

Michelle smiles with her dad's arm around her in Ordinary Angels. - Does Michelle Live At The End Of Ordinary Angels?

Michelle smiles with her dad's arm around her in Ordinary Angels. - Does Michelle Live At The End Of Ordinary Angels?

The central plot of Ordinary Angels revolves around Michelle's desperate need for a liver transplant. Despite her struggle to move up the transplant list, time is running out for her. Just when all hope seems lost, a liver becomes available with a tight deadline. Thanks to the support of her community and a grueling journey, Michelle finally reaches the hospital in time for a successful transplant surgery.

After the fictionalization ends, Ordinary Angels reveals what happened to the real Michelle. Like the ending scene of the movie, the doctors gave Michelle the transplant at the last possible moment, and she lived. She grew up and graduated from university, getting married shortly afterward. It’s revealed that Sharon maintained a close relationship with the family and showed up to Michelle’s wedding. Ultimately, in both the fictional story and real life, Michelle got the happy ending that she and all other sick kids deserve – a chance to live.

Michelle Schmitt Cobble died at the age of 30 in 2021 from a stomach aneurysm (via Wave ).

How Ed Get Michelle To The Hospital For Her Liver Transplant

Alan Ritchson stands in the snow in Ordinary Angels - How Ed Get Michelle To The Hospital For Her Liver Transplant

Alan Ritchson stands in the snow in Ordinary Angels - How Ed Get Michelle To The Hospital For Her Liver Transplant

When Ed finally receives the call about a liver transplant being available for Michelle in Ordinary Angels, the urgency of the situation is heightened by the worst snowstorm in Louisville, Kentucky's history. Despite the seemingly impossible circumstances, Ed is determined to get Michelle to the hospital in time. Fortunately, Sharon and the entire community come together to ensure their safe transport.

Sharon and Rose's family work together to clear a path from Ed's house to the airport, where a private jet is waiting. When this plan falls through, Sharon reaches out to the news to locate a helicopter. A pilot agrees to fly them but requires a clear, snow-free landing space. The pastor offers the church's parking lot for this purpose. Ed and Michelle are rushed to the church by Rose's family, with the community joining in to shovel the snow. Despite challenges, the helicopter eventually arrives, with everyone using jackets and headlights to guide the landing.

Sharon’s Relationship With Her Son Explained

Sharon's relationship with her son is revealed through the lens of the community coming together in Ordinary Angels. This portrayal showcases the idea that individuals, regardless of their spiritual beliefs, have the power to create miracles through collective effort.

Hilary Swank holds a camera in Ordinary Angels - Sharon’s Relationship With Her Son Explained

Hilary Swank holds a camera in Ordinary Angels - Sharon’s Relationship With Her Son Explained

In Ordinary Angels, Sharon's strong connection with children hints at her possibly being a mother herself. It is later revealed that she has a son named Derek, who has distanced himself from her due to her past behavior. The strained relationship between Sharon and Derek is characterized by feelings of unreliability and boundary-crossing on Sharon's part. These unresolved issues contribute to Sharon's intense focus on helping Michelle. Fortunately, as the story progresses, there is a positive shift in Sharon and Derek's relationship dynamics.

Sharon hits rock bottom when she relapses into her alcohol use disorder while watching the girls. This moment in Ordinary Angels serves as a turning point. Rather than suffering silently, she decides to ask for help after being told she can no longer see Ed’s girls. She starts working through Alcoholics Anonymous, developing sobriety and healthier boundaries. Rather than hounding her son, she leaves one final message displaying the changes she’s made and explaining she will refrain from calling again. Derek seems to recognize this, surprising his mom by showing up to help shovel the snow for the helicopter.

The most important message is that humans have the capacity to better the world for one another if they just work together.

How Sharon Raises The Money For Michelle’s Medical Bills

Hilary Swank as Sharon Stevens Looking Concerned in Ordinary Angels - How Sharon Raises The Money For Michelle’s Medical Bills

Hilary Swank as Sharon Stevens Looking Concerned in Ordinary Angels - How Sharon Raises The Money For Michelle’s Medical Bills

Sharon’s first goal in Ordinary Angels is to pay off Michelle’s medical bills. However, as a broke blue-collar woman, she doesn’t have the resources to do this herself. As such, she sets up a fundraiser cutting people’s hair in order to raise the money. This only goes a short way due to the amount of money owed. Next, she helps Ed get his bid for the roofing job. Then, Sharon sets up a meeting where she asks the hospital to wipe the medical bills due to hardship. Lastly, she sets up an interview on the news to get donations.

Sharon’s efforts to help Michelle in Ordinary Angels theoretically show how tenacious and driven the character is. Unfortunately, the message doesn’t land as desired when looked at on a deeper level. As Rose pointed out, Sharon’s behavior when helping Ed and his family looks extremely similar to addiction. She continually violates boundaries and pushes too far. Sharon admits that she needs help, allowing her to help Ed in a healthier way at the end of Ordinary Angels.

What Is Michelle’s Illness In Ordinary Angels?

Ordinary Angels Alan Ritchson holding his young daughter in church. - What Is Michelle’s Illness In Ordinary Angels?

Ordinary Angels Alan Ritchson holding his young daughter in church. - What Is Michelle’s Illness In Ordinary Angels?

In Ordinary Angels, Michelle is facing the challenges of living with a rare congenital liver disease known as biliary atresia. This condition involves a blockage that prevents bile from properly flowing from the liver to the gallbladder or intestines, leading to the buildup of bile and subsequent damage to the liver's tissue and function. If left untreated, biliary atresia can result in serious complications such as cirrhosis or liver failure, both of which are life-threatening. Fortunately, advancements in medical treatments have improved the prognosis for children with biliary atresia.

The Significance of The Starfish Story in Ordinary Angels

Hilary Swank holding up a poster in Ordinary Angels. - The Starfish Story’s Significance in Ordinary Angels

Hilary Swank holding up a poster in Ordinary Angels. - The Starfish Story’s Significance in Ordinary Angels

The starfish story is referenced multiple times in Ordinary Angels. It tells the tale of a child who goes to a beach and starts throwing starfish back into the water. Despite being told that they can't save all the starfish, the child persists. Their reasoning is that even if they can't save every single one, they can still make a difference by saving at least one.

The thematic core of Ordinary Angels is the starfish story, which explains its recurrence throughout the movie. Instead of trying to fix the medical system for everyone, the focus is on saving one girl. Sharon comes to the realization that while she couldn't be saved as a child or save her son, she can make a difference for Michelle. This theme in Ordinary Angels offers hope in a more achievable manner.

Understanding the Conclusion of Ordinary Angels

Sharon shows Ed a bill on the porch in Ordinary Angels. - The True Meaning Of Ordinary Angels’ Ending

Sharon shows Ed a bill on the porch in Ordinary Angels. - The True Meaning Of Ordinary Angels’ Ending

The central theme of Ordinary Angels revolves around the idea that when people come together and work collectively, they have the power to make a positive impact on the world. In the story, the pivotal message is illustrated through the actions of individuals who prioritize helping others over their own self-interests. For instance, if any individual had chosen not to assist, Ed would not have been able to get Michelle to the hospital in time for her life-saving transplant. This emphasizes the importance of empathy and selflessness in making a difference in the lives of others.

Source: Wave and Johns Hopkins Medicine

Editor's P/S:

The article on "Ordinary Angels" is a moving and inspiring account of how ordinary people can come together to make a profound impact on the life of a child in need. The story of Sharon, a recovering alcoholic, and her journey to help Michelle, a young girl battling a life-threatening liver disease, is a testament to the power of compassion and determination.

Through its heartwarming narrative and exploration of themes such as the starfish story, the article highlights the transformative nature of unity and selflessness. It encourages readers to reflect on their own capacity to make a difference, no matter how small. The conclusion of the article, which reveals that Michelle survived and lived a fulfilling life, serves as a powerful reminder of the hope and possibility that exists even in the most challenging of circumstances.