Decoding the Chronology: Unveiling the Investigation Timelines in Netflix's Mystery Series Bodies
Bodies' 4 Timelines Explored: Journey through parallel investigations as detectives traverse different eras - 1890, 1941, 2023, and 2053 - in Netflix's captivating mystery series
Warning! SPOILERS about Netflix’s Bodies ahead.
In Netflix's Bodies, there are four intertwined timelines where detectives grapple with an unsolvable crime spanning various time periods. Amidst this, they must also confront the manipulative KYAL cult.
During Detective Alfred Hillinghead's investigation in 1890, the cult attempts to control him. However, his refusal to surrender to their demands eventually leads to a confession and ensures the preservation of the time loop.
The narrative of Netflix's Bodies unfolds across four interconnected timelines, with detectives Hillinghead, Whiteman, Hasan, and Maplewood tackling the same baffling crime in different time periods. It becomes increasingly evident that there are multiple influencing factors at play, as the victim inexplicably reemerges on Longharvest Lane, and the pressure mounts from the KYAL cult to conform to their desires. As a result, all of the main characters in Bodies eventually find themselves entangled in the realm of time travel.
Elias Mannix’s plan of reliving the same events is unintentionally supported by the detectives, while intentionally reinforced by the KYAL cult. Although there are obstacles along the way that could potentially halt Mannix’s plan, the cult, which was established in 1889, ensures that these essential events take place in order to maintain the loop. Foiling Mannix’s scheme requires the full cooperation of all detectives, who must work together to dismantle the loop and have a clear understanding of the actual situation. Without this collective effort, Mannix’s knowledge of the future and his plan would always enable the loop to prevail. The ending of Netflix’s Bodies unequivocally illustrates the necessity for all detectives across timelines to collaborate in order to eradicate the loop and save London.
Alfred Hillinghead's Investigation Takes Place In 1890
In 1890, DI Alfred Hillinghead makes a significant discovery of Defoe's body in Longharvest Lane. This event marks the beginning of the chronological timeline impacted by Mannix's loop. Harker, using manipulation tactics, strategically ensures that someone from his group is present at every step of the investigation. This guarantees that Hillinghead crosses paths with journalist Henry Ashe, ultimately leading to the revelation of a photograph showing Harker's reflection. As a result, the investigation shifts its focus towards Harker, putting Hillinghead directly under his influence.
Mannix, who is also Harker, resorts to using photos depicting Hillinghead alongside the body as a means of blackmail. The intention is to pressure Hillinghead into quickly closing the investigation, thereby allowing Ashe to take the blame. Unexpectedly, Hillinghead refuses to comply, leading to his own confession of murder. This unexpected turn of events preserves the loop in a way that Mannix had not anticipated.
Hillinghead's encounter with Iris Maplewood while in jail allows him to sow the seed of uncertainty in Mannix/Harker that everything he had done to secure his future happiness might be in vain, as there is no guarantee of his happiness. Maplewood's journey to the past sets things in motion by ensuring that Hillinghead understands the importance of reaching out to Harker. By revealing the future to Hillinghead, Maplewood eliminates Harker's advantage, as Harker always possessed unwavering confidence in his plan due to his foreknowledge of future happiness. With this knowledge, Hillinghead instills doubt in Harker, paving the way for his change of heart in 1941.
Charles Whiteman's Investigation Takes Place In 1941
In 1941, the second timeline unfolds with DS Charles Whiteman assigned the task of disposing Defoe's body. Unlike Hillinghead, who only becomes aware of the cult's involvement when reminded by the medical examiner Ladbroke about Harker's influence, Whiteman has already been collaborating with the KYAL cult. This is evident from the fact that Polly frequently contacts him, ending their conversations with the cult's trademark phrase, "Know You Are Loved." However, the mistrust of Whiteman by his superiors poses a threat to the time loop, as his investigation inadvertently leads to Defoe's body being brought to the attention of the police. Revealing her knowledge of the truth, Esther blackmails Whiteman, resulting in Polly murdering her and triggering Whiteman's vendetta against the Harkers.
Hillinghead's doubt about Mannix/Harker's intentions affects his relationship with Polly, who supports the loop but doesn't have feelings for Julian. This contradicts the cult's promises to Elias Mannix in 2023. Despite not encountering a time traveler, Whiteman's meeting with Harker before Hayden's arrival allows Harker to leave a final secret message for his younger self. He advises him not to proceed with the London explosion, as he would never experience true love even if he created his dystopia and traveled back in time. Lastly, Whiteman's communication through the bricks in Longharvest Lane becomes crucial for Shahara Hasan in the future, even without the involvement of any time-travelers in 1941.
Shahara Hasan's Investigation Takes Place In 2023
In 2023, Bodies' third timeline takes place. DS Shahara Hasan discovers Defoe's body on Longharvest Lane after being alerted by Syed, who was sent by Mannix's cult to get her attention. The plan is for Defoe and Syed to become victims in order for teenage Mannix to set off the bomb. This will help Hasan in her search for Elias and she will try to prevent him from activating the bomb by involving his adoptive parents and biological father, Barber. Unexpectedly, a counter-terrorism officer kills Barber to prevent him from convincing Elias to trigger the bomb, temporarily halting Elias' plans.
However, despite this unexpected turn of events, the cult's prophecy still comes true. But it is not because Hasan antagonized Elias, but rather due to her compassionate approach towards him. It is not brute force that causes Elias to detonate the bomb, but rather the kindness shown by Hasan when she brings him to meet his biological mother before returning him to prison. This act of kindness is crucial, as Sarah's refusal to meet him causes Elias even more pain. The intense emotional suffering drives Elias to make the fateful decision to trigger the bomb via a phone call, believing that this will at least bring him happiness, as the cult foretold.
2023’s Hasan manages to prevent the bombing due to the intervention of her future self who traveled back in time. By collaborating with Maplewood in 2053 to break the loop and with Whiteman successfully finding a hiding spot for the record in 1941, all that remained was for someone to travel to 2023, locate the record, and share it with teenage Elias. However, since the writings on Longharvest Lane’s bricks appeared after 2023’s Hasan had already visited the crime scene, she couldn't have been aware of this. Therefore, 2053’s Hasan steps in to assist her in saving London by offering Elias the only viewpoint he has proven to listen to - his own.
Iris Maplewood's Investigation Is Set In 2053
In 2053, the final stage of the story unfolds in Commander Mannix's dystopian reality. This reality was brought about by the power vacuum resulting from his 2023 bomb. DC Iris Maplewood, who discovers Defoe's body, initially believes Mannix's claim that Defoe is a terrorist. However, her belief begins to waver as her investigation leads her to the actual living Professor Gabriel Defoe. She forms a connection with Defoe and promises to protect him. Together with her neighbor, they abduct Maplewood and bring her to Shahara Hasan, a key figure in 2053. Although they are unable to prevent Mannix's time travel or Maplewood's attempt to kill Defoe, the loss of Defoe and the realization that they must stop Mannix sparks a plan by the detectives to defeat him.
The time travel mechanics in Bodies reveal that crossing the Throat at an earlier time results in the traveler being placed earlier in the past, establishing a linear timeline despite characters jumping through time. Defoe's experience of appearing in various years, such as 1890, 1941, 2023, 2053, and later in 2053, is attributed to Maplewood shooting at his eye while he crosses the Throat. This creates the perplexing situation where Defoe's left eye displays the wound but no bullet, as the bullet remains in 2053. Maplewood's ability to calculate when Defoe will reappear in the future and her subsequent act of saving him convinces both her and Hasan that the time loop can be altered.
It is this assurance that drives Maplewood to travel to 1890 and persuade Hillinghead to implant doubts in Mannix. This small alteration in events leads to a more tragic fate for Mannix. By portraying Mannix's marriage as unhappy and filled with resentment, the older version of Mannix, on the verge of death in 1941, realizes that his paradoxical existence is not worth the thousands of deaths in 2023. He realizes that his dystopian future, which promises happiness but never delivers it, cannot guarantee happiness for everyone. Despite the complexities of time travel and its impact on different timelines, Bodies successfully resolves all loose ends, positioning itself as one of the top Netflix shows currently available.