Decoding the Beast Titan: A Comprehensive Analysis

Decoding the Beast Titan: A Comprehensive Analysis

Unleashing its formidable power through Zeke Yeager, the Beast Titan's origins, appearance, unique traits, and abilities are explored, along with the intriguing effects of Zeke's Royal Lineage

Article Key Points

Zeke Yeager's Beast Titan, due to his royal lineage, possessed unique powers and abilities not seen in previous inheritors, making him a valuable asset to Marley's military.

The Beast Titan had a noticeably ape-like appearance, with an unconventional physique and distinct features like pointed ears and sharp teeth. Zeke's crucial participation in the War for Paradis and the final battle involved his ability to generate Pure Titans. He achieved this by having others consume his spinal fluid and causing their transformation through loud screams.

Zeke Yeager's Beast Titan, introduced during the Clash of the Titans Arc, has remained a significant presence throughout Attack on Titan until the final battle. Unlike the other Nine Titans, the various versions of the Beast Titan showcased traits that closely tied them to the animal species they represented, resulting in distinct designs.

What set Zeke's Beast Titan apart was his royal lineage, allowing him to possess a range of powers that surpassed those of previous inheritors. In addition to his intelligence and combat prowess, Zeke's exceptional abilities led to his appointment as the War Chief of Marley's Warrior Unit, underscoring the crucial role his Beast Titan played in the nation's military.

Origins And Appearance

Decoding the Beast Titan: A Comprehensive Analysis

The Beast Titan, like the other Nine Titans, emerged after the death of Ymir Fritz, the original Founding Titan. For centuries, it was passed down among noble Eldian families during the reign of the powerful Eldian Empire. Eventually, Marley gained control of the Beast Titan, along with most of the other Titans. However, the Founding Titan and the Attack Titan remained exceptions to this transfer of power.

Zeke's predecessor as the holder of the Beast Titan was his mentor, Tom Ksaver. Tom Ksaver was an Eldian researcher, a member of Marley's Warrior Unit, and also belonged to Marley's Titan Biology Research Society. His version of the Beast Titan resembled a bighorn sheep and was deemed unsuitable for combat, according to his own admission.

Throughout history, the Beast Titan has taken on various forms, embodying traits of different animals. In the Rumbling Arc, we witnessed Beast Titans resembling alligators, snakes, and even a bird-like creature that granted Falco the power of flight as the Jaw Titan. In contrast, Zeke's Beast Titan had a distinct appearance resembling mythical creatures like the Yeti or Sasquatch.

Zeke's Titan was covered in brown hair, completely concealing its head, chin, limbs, groin, and upper torso, while leaving its face, chest, abdomen, and back exposed. Standing at a height of 17 meters, Zeke's Titan was slightly taller than most of the Nine Titans, except for the Colossal Titan and certain versions of the Founding Titan. It possessed pointed ears, sharp teeth, dark sclera, and irises of a similar color. Additionally, its physique was peculiarly proportioned, featuring a broad upper torso, elongated arms, and nimble fingers that allowed for precise handling of small objects.

Unique Traits And Abilities

Decoding the Beast Titan: A Comprehensive Analysis

Ksaver's Titan was deemed ill-suited for combat, whereas Zeke's Beast Titan excelled in long and mid-range attacks due to its elongated arms. Zeke possessed a natural talent for pitching and had honed his skills throughout his life, enabling him to fully leverage them while in his Titan form. Utilizing crushed rocks as projectiles, he demonstrated remarkable accuracy, effectively eliminating multiple targets and thwarting close-quarters engagements with other Titan shifters.

During the Battle of Shiganshina, Zeke employed this ability to devastating effect, annihilating a significant portion of the Survey Corps who had initiated a suicidal charge to distract him, ultimately allowing Levi to stealthily approach and render him immobile. Subsequently, he unleashed his power upon the entire naval fleet of the Mid-East Allied Forces stationed at Fort Slava, effectively concluding the Marley Mid-East War. These incidents underscored the profound impact of the Beast Titan's long-range combat prowess. Despite his forte in ranged attacks, Zeke's proficiency in close-quarters combat was also unparalleled, evidenced by his triumph over Reiner's Armored Titan in a one-on-one encounter.

Zeke's Beast Titan possessed the ability to partially harden its nape, though it remains uncertain whether this capability stemmed from innate prowess or the administration of an "armor serum." Furthermore, alongside the War Hammer Titan, Cart Titan, and Ymir's Jaw Titan, it could communicate audibly even within its Titan form, enabling Zeke to converse with allies and mock adversaries amid intense battles.

The Effects Of Zeke's Royal Lineage

Decoding the Beast Titan: A Comprehensive Analysis

Due to his royal lineage as the son of Dina Fritz, Zeke's Beast Titan possessed extraordinary abilities previously unseen in his predecessors. One notable capacity was the capability to induce Pure Titan creation by injecting his spinal fluid into Subjects of Ymir, establishing a connection with them through the Paths. Moreover, he had the ability to initiate their transformation merely through a powerful scream. However, it is important to note that this ability had a limited range, as targets beyond a certain distance were unable to transform until they were within earshot.

Starting from the Titans of Ragako village, to the battles at Shiganshina and Fort Slava, Zeke utilized this ability to create subordinates. These subordinates served as a means to overpower his opponents and keep himself out of their reach. Additionally, Zeke possessed some control over the Titans he generated, although he had to give verbal commands to enforce his will. However, his control was imperfect and significantly lesser in comparison to the Founding Titan's power, as certain Abnormal Titans were able to resist his orders.

In the closing stages of the War for Paradis, Zeke and his Beast Titan played a crucial role in the plan to awaken the dormant Founding Titan within Eren, owing to Zeke's royal lineage. Eren could only activate the Founding Titan and initiate the Rumbling once he made contact with Zeke. This contact allowed him to enter the realm of the Paths and plead to Ymir Fritz. Finally, Zeke's demise at Fort Salta, along with the destruction of Eren's skeletal Founding Titan form through the use of explosives, effectively halted the advance of the Wall Titans and concluded the Rumbling in the climax of Attack on Titan's final battle.

Attack on Titan is available to stream on Amazon Prime.

Editor's P/S

As a Gen Z fan, I find the Beast Titan to be one of the most intriguing and complex characters in Attack on Titan. His unique abilities and royal lineage set him apart from the other Titans, and his role in the story is both fascinating and tragic.

I appreciate the way that the Beast Titan's design reflects his personality and abilities. His ape-like appearance and sharp teeth make him look like a fearsome predator, while his pointed ears and nimble fingers suggest his intelligence and cunning. His ability to generate Pure Titans by having others consume his spinal fluid is also a unique and powerful ability that makes him a valuable asset to Marley's military.

Overall, I think the Beast Titan is a well-written and complex character who adds a lot to the story of Attack on Titan. I am excited to see what role he will play in the final battle.