Deadpool 3: Unleashing the Ultimate Battle in the New MCU Phases

Deadpool 3: Unleashing the Ultimate Battle in the New MCU Phases

Deadpool 3: A Game-Changing Marvel Movie? Brace yourself for a thrilling ride as Deadpool takes center stage, diving into the mysterious realm of Marvel's Incursions Could this highly-anticipated film spell doom for the entire MCU? Get ready for a true conflict that could reshape the future of the Marvel Cinematic Universe!


Deadpool 3 could be the key to the future of the MCU, indicating a shift towards multiversal storytelling and the potential for major cameos.

The plot details of Deadpool 3 are largely undisclosed, offering limited information on the conflict, antagonist, and potential themes of time travel and universal travel.

If Deadpool becomes a part of the MCU, it may result in incursions, catastrophic events where various universes merge and jeopardize all existence. This scenario could pave the way for the inclusion of fresh characters such as the Fantastic Four and X-Men.

The MCU continues to thrive and show no signs of slowing down, especially with its recent shift towards multiversal storytelling. This opens up endless possibilities and creates an opportunity for the beloved R-rated hero, Deadpool, to make his entrance into the Marvel Cinematic Universe, which is typically more family-friendly.

Speculation surrounding Deadpool 3 has been circulating since Disney obtained the rights to the character and others. Many actors who have previously portrayed superheroes have been rumored to potentially make appearances in the film, given the exciting potential. Beyond major cameos, Deadpool 3 could potentially serve as a pivotal turning point for the future of the MCU, and there are numerous ways in which this could unfold.

What Is The Plot Of Deadpool 3?

Deadpool 3: Unleashing the Ultimate Battle in the New MCU Phases

The release of Deadpool 3 has been a topic of intrigue worldwide, but it is highly likely that no significant details will be revealed until the first teaser trailer is released. While Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman have shared playful videos about the movie, very little information is known, except that it will feature Deadpool and Wolverine. Considering the teasers and the fact that Deadpool is joining the MCU, it can be inferred that the movie will involve multiversal elements, possibly alongside time travel.

Apart from these details, the plot remains largely unknown. Clues can be found in the confirmed cast and subtle hints from cast interviews, but in a world where every small detail is overanalyzed, even these clues hold little meaning. It wouldn't be surprising if Deadpool finds a way to transition from the Fox Universe to the beloved Disney MCU in the post-credits scenes.

What Are Marvel’s Incursions?

There is a lack of information regarding the actual conflict of the film, except for the fact that actress Emma Corrin is said to portray the antagonist. This detail may offer some clues about potential villains, but Deadpool 3 might surprise everyone by revealing the true driving conflict of the future of the MCU. Initially, it may seem like another delightful film without a major impact on the universe. However, there have been hints and mentions of this conflict on a few occasions. Considering the inclusion of time travel and potentially universal travel in Deadpool 3, it is worth examining the concept of universal incursions in the MCU.

Deadpool 3: Unleashing the Ultimate Battle in the New MCU Phases

While incursions are well developed in the Marvel comics as a specific type of apocalyptic event, the explanation of them in the MCU so far is lacking. In essence, an MCU incursion occurs when the boundaries of two different universes crumble, causing them to merge and ultimately leading to the annihilation of all life that cannot effectively defend itself. Considering that surviving a universal collapse is a rarity, it can be inferred that there are not many characters in the MCU who could endure such a cataclysmic event.

Incursions have gained attention in the movies through Doctor Strange and Kang The Conqueror. The limited information we have about them in the MCU suggests they pose a significant threat. In Sinister Strange's reality, for example, he is the sole survivor of a multiversal incursion. Meanwhile, Doctor Strange and Clea are currently engaged in a battle against an incursion that Strange is believed to have caused. Kang has also admitted that the multiversal Kang war has led to numerous incursions across the multiverse.

The exact cause of incursions, other than multiversal travel itself, remains uncertain. However, in the comics, incursions are portrayed as an inevitable fate. The Beyonders initiated incursions by creating the Molecule Man, a being capable of manipulating molecules, as a destructive force. It is unknown if this comic explanation will be incorporated into the MCU narrative, but given what we already know about incursions in the MCU, it is plausible that Deadpool could be the one responsible for the downfall of the current MCU.

Will Deadpool 3 Be The Beginning Of The End Of The MCU?

Deadpool 3: Unleashing the Ultimate Battle in the New MCU Phases

Deadpool 3 has already hinted at incorporating time travel, suggesting the possibility of multiversal travel as well in order to explain his shift from the Fox Universe to the MCU. Given Deadpool's unpredictable nature, it's plausible that he has no awareness of the implications and consequences of his actions. The boundaries of the MCU have already been breached with characters from the Sonyverse making appearances, so it wouldn't be surprising if Deadpool also finds a way to bridge the gap between the Fox Universe and the MCU.

However, a potential issue arises if Deadpool's arrival from the Fox Universe opens the door for others to follow suit from different time periods. To circumvent this problem, a clever solution would be to depict the universe itself as a casualty of an incursion caused by Deadpool's entrance into the MCU. This would demonstrate that the concept of an incoming incursion, which has been heavily teased, has been set in motion, indicating that the future of the MCU is now uncertain and unpredictable.

Introducing this problem into the MCU's new phases may seem premature, but it presents the perfect opportunity to introduce eagerly anticipated new characters. The Fantastic Four, along with their notorious antagonist Doctor Doom, excel at handling these kinds of situations. Moreover, while mutants in the MCU have already been hinted at, it's not beyond the realm of possibility for a group of X-Men to arrive as refugees from a collapsing universe, thus establishing a fresh team within the MCU. Admittedly, it might appear unbelievable to elevate Deadpool 3 to such significance, but its formal introduction into the Marvel Cinematic Universe would also be an incredibly surprising twist.