Dead by Daylight: Top Builds for The Cenobite (2023)

Dead by Daylight: Top Builds for The Cenobite (2023)

Discover the ultimate Dead by Daylight build for The Cenobite Killer, Pinhead Unleash his sinister potential with these top-tier perks

Diving into the creepy world of horror, Dead by Daylight offers players the chance to step into the shoes of infamous villains such as Leatherface from The Texas Chainsaw Massacre and Sadako from Ringu. Now, with the introduction of Hellraiser's iconic Cenobite, Pinhead, fans can explore a whole new level of terror. Despite a few initial glitches, Pinhead's arrival has been warmly received by the Dead by Daylight community, as it flawlessly captures the essence of the character and introduces exciting gameplay mechanics.

This guide aims to assist players in maximizing Pinhead's potential by showcasing the best builds and perks. These builds will take full advantage of Pinhead's unique abilities, such as the Lament Configuration passive slowdown and his ability to track and capture his victims with chains. Whether you're a seasoned killer or just starting out, these builds will include both teachable and non-teachable perks suitable for killers at varying levels of prestige.

UPDATE: 2023/10/26 02:23 EST BY LEWIS SMYTH

Dead by Daylight: Best Builds for The Cenobite

The Cenobite: Best Non-Teachable Build (2023)

Due to alterations made to his Lament Configuration in 2023, perks such as Franklin's Demise are no longer effective when used with The Cenobite in Dead by Daylight. This revised guide addresses these modifications by highlighting perks that synergize smoothly with his Summons of Pain abilities.

Dead by Daylight: Top Builds for The Cenobite (2023)

The Cenobite, a formidable Killer in Dead by Daylight, is an ideal choice for newcomers looking to unlock a powerful character. Despite requiring advanced skills, The Cenobite possesses three exceptional perks that aid in both hindering Survivor progress and maintaining stealth. This specific build concentrates on leveraging The Cenobite's ability to impede survivors and apply continuous pressure on generators, all while catching unsuspecting prey off guard.

Deadlock (The Cenobite) - Once a generator has been repaired, the generator with the highest advancement becomes obstructed for a period of 30 seconds.

Hex: Plaything (The Cenobite) - After hooking a Survivor for the first time, a random Dull Totem within the vicinity transforms into a Hex Totem, inflicting the Survivor with the Oblivious status ailment until it is cleansed.

Scourge Hook: Gift of Pain (The Cenobite) - When a Survivor is hooked on one of four randomly selected white Scourge Hooks, they will experience the Mangled and Hemorrhage effects until they are completely healed. Once healed, they will incur a 16% decrease in speed for healing and repairing actions.

Jolt (General Perk) - When a Survivor is downed, all generators within a 32-meter radius will lose 8% of their progress.

The Cenobite: Best Build (2023)

Dead by Daylight: Top Builds for The Cenobite (2023)

This build highlights the optimal perks that complement Pinhead's skill of sending chains to disrupt generators and healing. By utilizing Sloppy Butcher and Dead Man's Switch, the Killer can effectively impede Survivors' progress in healing and completing generators through the interruption caused by Summons of Pain and Lament Configuration. This creates a continuous pressure on Survivors in Dead by Daylight to finish their tasks.

Ultimate Weapon (The Xenomorph) - Upon opening a locker, any Survivor within the Terror Radius will let out a scream and experience the Blindness effect for 30 seconds. This perk has a cooldown period of 30 seconds.

Dead Man's Switch (The Deathslinger):

Once a Survivor is hooked, the Dead Man's Switch perk is triggered for a period of 30 seconds. If any Survivor abandons a generator before it is fully repaired, that generator will be blocked for the entire duration of the perk.

Scourge Hook: Pain Resonance (The Artist):

At the beginning of the game, the Killer possesses four tokens. Each time a different Survivor is hooked on a white Scourge Hook, one token is lost and the generator with the highest progress explodes, resulting in a 25% loss of progress.

Sloppy Butcher (General Perk) – Each basic attack inflicts the Mangled and Hemorrhage status effects, reducing healing effectiveness by 25% and hindering the healing process if interrupted.

Dead by Daylight can be played on Nintendo Switch, PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S.

Dead by Daylight: Top Builds for The Cenobite (2023)

Dead by Daylight

Released June 14, 2016Developer(s) Behaviour InteractivePublisher(s) Behaviour InteractiveGenre(s) Horror, Survival

Editor's P/S

As a long-time fan of Dead by Daylight, I was thrilled to see the addition of Pinhead from the Hellraiser franchise. The Cenobite is a truly unique killer with a fascinating power that can be incredibly effective when used correctly.

The builds outlined in this guide offer some great options for players looking to get the most out of Pinhead's abilities. I particularly like the inclusion of the Jolt perk, which can be devastating when combined with Pinhead's ability to chain survivors to generators. Overall, I think these builds are a great starting point for players looking to master the Cenobite and spread terror throughout the realm of Dead by Daylight.