Dancing in Red Dead Online Can Land You a Bounty!

Dancing in Red Dead Online Can Land You a Bounty!

Red Dead Online players are receiving unexpected bounties for simply dancing in front of others, due to a strange and perplexing glitch in the game

Players in Red Dead Online have stumbled upon a curious glitch that rewards them with a bounty for dancing at fellow players. While the game is already known for its quirky and sometimes deadly moments, this new discovery adds a new level of hilarity to the mix. Although Red Dead Online has had its fair share of unusual glitches, none have been severe enough to break the game entirely. In fact, many of these glitches have only enhanced the player experience, providing moments of amusement and laughter. While it may be frustrating in the moment to be killed for dancing, looking back at it is undeniably entertaining.

A Redditor by the username ZealousidealAd7533 shared a bizarre video where they receive a reward for dancing in front of another player. However, the joyous moment takes a dark turn as the player is immediately branded an outlaw by Red Dead Online and is given a bounty for "Disturbing the peace." The situation gets worse as the player is not even given a chance to surrender, and the entire town of Tumbleweed opens fire on them, effectively sentencing them to death. Even the commenters on the post are baffled by the random attack, leaving the glitch's origin a complete mystery.

Although Red Dead Online presents gamers with the opportunity to play as a bounty hunter, this player found themselves in the unexpected role of being hunted. Unfortunately, it remains unclear if they were able to evade the deadly witch hunt as the clip ends before the conclusion. Nevertheless, the situation appears to be dire.

It seems that any lingering issues within Red Dead Online are unlikely to be addressed as Rockstar has seemingly moved on from the game. Even the recent increase in hacking activity has not garnered enough attention from the studio to take action. As a result, players are resorting to sharing their own methods for dealing with hackers since Rockstar has not taken action to ban them. The game is currently playable on PC, PS4, and Xbox One.