Curious Fact About New Atlantis Unveiled by Starfield Fan
Discover the hidden secrets of New Atlantis, the bustling metropolis in Starfield's Settled Systems Unveil a surprising revelation that transforms the city's significance, as one astute player uncovers an intriguing detail Dive into a new perspective on this pivotal hub
Some players think New Atlantis in Starfield lacks immersion due to lifeless NPCs and the absence of complex schedules that gave past Bethesda cities their charm.
One player highlighted the absence of nighttime illumination in the buildings of New Atlantis, despite it being a highly populated location within the Settled Systems.
Considering the community's lukewarm reaction, Bethesda may need to reconsider their approach to designing future cities in Starfield, despite their earlier attempt to deviate from their usual city layout.
New Atlantis in Starfield has received criticism for its lack of nighttime lighting in the city's various buildings, raising questions about its status as an advanced city. While comparisons have been made to the charming town of Riverwood, players have had trouble highlighting specific reasons why New Atlantis falls flat compared to other major hubs in Skyrim. The absence of a proper map diminishes the overall enjoyment from a technical standpoint, but it is the lack of immersion that ultimately leads many fans to favor Akila City as their preferred Starfield settlement.
Bethesda's towns have become known for their simplistic layout of streets and houses, inhabited by NPCs with intricate schedules. The ongoing debate among players regarding their favorite city in Skyrim has been further expanded through mods that aim to enhance their size and scope, with varying degrees of success. However, the true strength of Bethesda's town design lies in the memorable NPCs who independently go about their daily activities, separate from the player's actions.
Bethesda made compromises in their attempt to make New Atlantis larger, causing them to sacrifice some of the key features that they had perfected over the years. This resulted in a city filled with lifeless NPCs and lacking the complex schedules that had given past Bethesda cities their charm. Furthermore, what adds to the eerie atmosphere of New Atlantis is the absence of night lights in its buildings. Despite being known as one of the most populated places in the Settled Systems, the screenshots of New Atlantis give off a desolate vibe.
Although the developers should be praised for their attempt to deviate from the typical Bethesda formula in Starfield's cities, the community's response has been lackluster. Some players pointed out that mods for Oblivion, which added night lights to cities, had been available for fifteen years, indicating that Bethesda's oversight was not easily excusable. Others took a more neutral stance, stating that Starfield mods would fortunately address most of the game's shortcomings once the Creation Kit tools are released in early 2024.
Ultimately, with the imminent release of the Shattered Space expansion for Starfield, Bethesda has a prime opportunity to create a new city for their latest game. Many players are eagerly anticipating a House Va'ruun-themed DLC, and Shattered Space will provide the developers with the chance to design a classic Bethesda hub filled with Va'ruun emissaries, diplomats, citizens, and clerics. On the other hand, the modding community of Starfield is likely to enhance New Atlantis even further.
Platform(s): PC, Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S
Released: September 6, 2023
Developed by: Bethesda
Published by: Bethesda
Genre: Action, RPG
ESRB Rating: M for Mature 17+ (Blood, Suggestive Themes, Use of Drugs, Strong Language, Violence)
X|S Enhanced: Yes
File Size (Xbox Series): 101 GB (September 2023)
Metascore: 86