Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 12 Revives a Ted Danson Storyline From 17 Years Ago

Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 12 Revives a Ted Danson Storyline From 17 Years Ago

Experience the perfect Ted Danson callback in the latest season of Curb Your Enthusiasm

Warning: Spoilers ahead for Curb Your Enthusiasm season 12, episode 5.

In episode 5 of season 12, titled "Fish Stuck," Curb Your Enthusiasm revisits a hilarious storyline involving Ted Danson from season 6. The on-screen version of Larry David has always had a rocky relationship with the character based on Ted, but their feud has intensified since Ted started dating Larry's ex-wife Cheryl. This episode brings back Ted and Cheryl in a memorable way, paying homage to one of Ted's standout moments on the show.

Ted Danson Makes Another Anonymous Donation In Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 12, Episode 5

In the episode titled "Fish Stuck," Larry discovers a defamatory message about his relationships with women on a brick donated by a former Seinfeld writer at a temple event. To counter this, Larry turns to Cheryl for help and asks her to donate a brick with a more positive message about him. However, as Cheryl tries to politely decline, Ted enters the room and reveals that he has already made a donation - which pays homage to a memorable episode of Curb Your Enthusiasm.

Ted and Cheryl talking to Larry in Curb Your Enthusiasm - Ted Danson Makes Another Anonymous Donation In Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 12, Episode 5

Ted and Cheryl talking to Larry in Curb Your Enthusiasm - Ted Danson Makes Another Anonymous Donation In Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 12, Episode 5

When Ted mentions to Larry that he made a donation to the temple by buying a brick, Larry doubts him because he didn't see Ted's name on any of the bricks. Ted explains that he purposely kept his name off the brick and made an anonymous donation. In the final scene of the episode, the camera zooms in on the wall, revealing a brick that indeed says "Anonymous," proving Ted's truthfulness. This funny moment is a reference to a memorable episode from Curb Your Enthusiasm, season 6, episode 2, titled "The Anonymous Donor."

Season 6's "The Anonymous Donor" Is Still One Of Curb Your Enthusiasm's Best Episodes

Larry stands with Ted Danson in Curb Your Enthusiasm - Season 6's

Larry stands with Ted Danson in Curb Your Enthusiasm - Season 6's "The Anonymous Donor" Is Still One Of Curb Your Enthusiasm's Best Episodes

In the episode "The Anonymous Donor," both Larry and Ted donate a wing to the new NRDC building. Larry is surprised to see that his wing is labeled "Donated by Larry David," while Ted's wing simply says "Donated by Anonymous." It turns out that Ted is the anonymous donor, despite telling everyone it was him. This revelation leaves Larry feeling frustrated, especially when Ted receives more applause during the unveiling of his wing.

This particular episode of Curb Your Enthusiasm is highly rewatchable because it showcases the hypocrisy and pretentiousness of human behavior, as seen through Larry's perspective. Ted claims he wanted to remain anonymous with his donation, but his actions suggest otherwise. The exaggerated character of Ted in Curb Your Enthusiasm adds a comedic touch to the situation, with Larry being the only one who sees through his facade.

Editor's P/S:

The article delves into a hilarious episode from "Curb Your Enthusiasm" season 12, where Ted Danson's character resurfaces with his trademark anonymity. This episode cleverly pays homage to a memorable moment from season 6, reminding viewers of the show's