Curator Launches Museum Featuring Largest Collection of Fossilized Feces

Curator Launches Museum Featuring Largest Collection of Fossilized Feces

Discover how one curator turned a unique collection of fossilized feces into a fascinating Poozeum, showcasing the wonders of ancient excrement.

When you have the world's largest collection of fossilized poop, what do you do? Well, if you're George Frandsen, you open a Poozeum in Williams, Arizona. This museum offers free access to around 8,000 pieces of coprolite, which is another name for fossilized poop.

Many people initially react with a disgusted or amused expression when they first hear about the Poozeum. However, after seeing the collection, their reactions often change to surprise at the variety and interest of coprolites," Frandsen shared with Guinness World Records.

Since most people are unfamiliar with coprolites, it's fun to introduce them to this captivating world and show them the amazing things they contain.

Frandsen's fascination with dinosaurs and fossils has been a long-standing interest. This passion even led him to discover the intriguing world of fossilized poop at the age of 18 during a visit to a rock and fossil shop in Utah.

Upon first encountering a coprolite, he found it to be both amusing and captivating. This initial encounter sparked his curiosity, prompting him to delve deeper into the subject. Through his research, Frandsen came to understand that these unique prehistoric "time capsules" offer valuable insights into the diets, behaviors, and environments of ancient creatures.

There are about 8,000 pieces in the collection.

There are about 8,000 pieces in the collection.

There are about 8,000 pieces in the collection.

Founded in 2014, the Poozeum was originally established as an online resource center. As the founder, he noticed that fossilized poop was not commonly displayed in mainstream places. This led him to create a traveling exhibition of fossilized poop to be showcased in museums across the US.

Frandsen noted that the positive feedback from visitors to the temporary exhibits emphasized the need for a specific area to display coprolites and delve into their scientific importance.

He decided to leave his position at a major healthcare corporation, sell his home, relocate 2,000 miles to Williams, which is recognized as the entrance to the Grand Canyon, and follow through with his unconventional plan of establishing a Poozeum.

Visitors can see interesting pieces at the museum, such as the largest fossilized poo from a carnivorous animal. This poo is 67.5 centimeters (26.6 inches) long and 15.7 centimeters (6.2 inches) wide, and is believed to have come from a Tyrannosaurus Rex. The collection also includes coprolites with teeth inside or bite marks on them.

Editor's P/S:

The Poozeum, a fascinating museum dedicated to fossilized poop, offers a unique and educational experience. George Frandsen's passion for dinosaurs and fossils led him to establish this unusual collection, which sheds light on the diets, behaviors, and environments of ancient creatures. The museum's 8,000 coprolites provide valuable insights into prehistoric life, challenging our preconceptions about these enigmatic remains.

Frandsen's journey from healthcare executive to Poozeum founder highlights his dedication to sharing his knowledge and passion with the world. The museum's establishment in Williams, Arizona, a gateway to the Grand Canyon, symbolizes the convergence of science and nature. Visitors can marvel at the diversity of coprolites, including the impressive fossilized poop of a Tyrannosaurus Rex. The museum's unique offerings and educational value make it a worthwhile destination for those interested in exploring the hidden world of fossilized poop and the prehistoric creatures that produced it.