Crash Team Rumble: Unleash The Ultimate Character Abilities!

Crash Team Rumble: Unleash The Ultimate Character Abilities!

Discover the ultimate power-ups in Crash Team Rumble! Unleash Coco's Quantum Wall, Catbat's healing prowess, and Tawna's lightning-fast Hookshot Dash Prepare for N Brio's transformative abilities and N Tropy's time manipulation Watch out for Cortex's Transform Shot and Crash's Superslam But the crown goes to Dingodile's epic Super Tailwhip! Dominate the race with these unbeatable character abilities

The iconic Crash Bandicoot series returns with a thrilling new installment called Crash Team Rumble, developed by Toys For Bob in collaboration with Activision. Unlike its predecessors, this game takes a different approach by offering an online 4v4 arena battle experience, where players compete to fill their Wumpa bank before their opponents. Each character in the game possesses distinct skills, providing them with unconventional advantages. Selecting the right character that complements one's playing style is crucial for achieving success in the game.

10 Quantum Wall - Coco

Crash Team Rumble: Unleash The Ultimate Character Abilities!

Coco Bandicoot's technical prowess is showcased through her Quantum Wall ability, making her the brain of the Bandicoot family. This high-tech skill complements Coco's intelligent persona and appearance, evident in her reliance on her tablet even during intense battles for Wumpa supremacy.

With Coco's Quantum Wall ability, she has the power to summon a temporary obstacle that can separate her from her opponents. This allows her to gain valuable time to either escape from danger or take advantage of an opportunity to collect and store her Wumpa fruits. The ability proves particularly useful when Coco is being chased by opposing Blockers or when she is at risk of being interrupted while attempting to bank the precious fruits for victory.

9 Heal Burger - Catbat

Crash Team Rumble: Unleash The Ultimate Character Abilities!

Catbat, the first non-binary character in the Crash Bandicoot franchise, possesses the extraordinary skill of quickly preparing a delectable sandwich to restore their own health or share it with teammates in need.

With the remarkable ability called Heal Burger, Catbat can effortlessly throw a burger in front of them to regain any lost health. Additionally, this ability can be utilized by other team members as well. This proves to be extremely advantageous for Catbat, especially when they are on the move or facing an opponent's attack. By replenishing their health, Catbat can potentially alter the outcome of a close-quarter encounter and overcome the damage inflicted upon them.

8 Hookshot Dash - Tawna

Crash Team Rumble: Unleash The Ultimate Character Abilities!

Tawna, despite her small size, possesses a surprising agility that makes her a perfect choice for the Scorer role in Crash Team Rumble. One of her key strengths lies in her Hookshot Dash ability, which enables her to swiftly traverse long distances.

With the Hookshot Dash ability, Tawna can strategically throw her hook in front of her and propel herself towards it. This grants her a significant speed advantage over her opponents, both in offensive and defensive scenarios. Tawna can easily evade enemies' clutches or quickly close the distance between herself and her target.

7 Transform - N. Brio

Crash Team Rumble: Unleash The Ultimate Character Abilities!

N. Brio, the character in Crash Team Rumble, greatly benefits from the abilities he possesses. At first glance, Brio may not appear physically strong or skilled enough to pose a threat. However, once he consumes the peculiar liquid from his flask, everything changes.

Through his Transform ability, N. Brio can morph from his small form into a powerful, Hulk-like physique, reminiscent of the classic Jekyll and Hyde transformation. During this temporary state, Brio charges forward with his massive size, forcefully pounding his opponents with his large fists. This attack is undeniably powerful, although its effectiveness is somewhat diminished by Brio's vulnerability when not utilizing this ability.

6 Time Tethers - N. Tropy

Crash Team Rumble: Unleash The Ultimate Character Abilities!

In Crash Team Rumble, the inclusion of the female N. Tropy character from Crash Bandicoot 4: It's About Time has raised some questions about why she was chosen over her male counterpart. However, there is no denying that she brings a formidable presence to the game. As a nimble yet powerful Blocker, Tropy possesses a range of skills that prove effective in taking down opponents and preventing them from collecting Wumpa. One such skill is the Time Tether. With this ability, Tropy can launch a long bar-like projectile towards her adversaries, causing them to stumble and suffer damage while losing valuable Wumpa. Additionally, this attack has the added benefit of knocking victims backwards, potentially placing them in a vulnerable position if they happen to be near the edge of the playing field.

5 Slime Monster - N. Brio

Crash Team Rumble: Unleash The Ultimate Character Abilities!

N. Brio, in his normal form, is often seen zipping across the field holding two flasks. These flasks not only serve as weapons to strike his adversaries, but also contain a serum that can be used to summon temporary allies who aid him in combat.

One of the abilities at Brio's disposal is the Slime Monster. By utilizing this power, he can summon a large and aggressive green slug that aggressively attacks any nearby threats, inflicting damage upon them. These creatures compensate for Brio's lack of offensive capabilities and effectively divert attention away from the scientist, allowing him to either escape or transform into a formidable creature that can turn the tables in his favor.

4 Gravity Slam - N. Tropy

Crash Team Rumble: Unleash The Ultimate Character Abilities!

The Master of Time executes her movements with precision and elegance, displaying a calculated approach to combat. A prime example of this is her Gravity Slam technique, where she gracefully levitates before forcefully descending to the ground, creating energy orbs that can harm anyone they touch.

When the Gravity Slam connects with its targets, it not only inflicts damage but also hinders their movement. This skill proves invaluable as Tropy can seize the chance to follow up with her Time Tethers or swift melee strikes, aiming to deliver a devastating finishing blow.

3 Transform Shot - Cortex

Crash Team Rumble: Unleash The Ultimate Character Abilities!

Dr. Neo Cortex's Ray Gun possesses the incredible ability to diminish both the stature and confidence of its intended target. Through the power of his Transform Shot, Cortex can fire an energy projectile that transmutes its unfortunate victim into a diminutive and helpless creature. This formidable technique is equally effective against individuals of all sizes, as illustrated by the image above, featuring the once formidable Dingodile reduced to a mere hog.

The transformative effects of Cortex's Ray Gun temporarily leave opponents exposed and powerless, presenting an ideal opportunity to inflict additional harm through devastating moves such as the Piano Drop. Alternatively, Cortex can exploit this vulnerability to swiftly evade any impending danger and secure his valuable Wumpa supplies. As an added benefit, employing Cortex's Dash ability against a transformed adversary can deliver a forceful blow, potentially leading to an instant knockout.

2 Superslam - Crash

Crash Team Rumble: Unleash The Ultimate Character Abilities!

Crash Bandicoot's Superslam ability is highly regarded in Crash Team Rumble for its impressive effectiveness and nostalgic appeal. A standout move for Crash, this signature maneuver involves him leaping into the air and executing a powerful belly-flop onto the ground.

Those unfortunate enough to be caught under the impact of the Superslam will experience temporary flattening, leaving them vulnerable and unable to defend themselves. This skill proves to be an invaluable tactic for slowing down opponents, creating openings for Crash to unleash his iconic spin move and launch further attacks.

1 Super Tailwhip - Dingodile

Crash Team Rumble: Unleash The Ultimate Character Abilities!

Dingodile, a unique genetic fusion of a dingo and a crocodile, possesses an extraordinary power known as the Super Tailwhip. This ability enables him to transform into a fearsome tornado, continuously spinning towards any adversaries in his path.

During the activation of the Super Tailwhip, Dingodile becomes nearly invincible for a brief duration. This skill proves particularly advantageous for the Blocker, especially when faced with opponents attempting to deposit their Wumpa. By strategically timing his moves, Dingodile can effectively prevent multiple opponents from contributing to their team's overall score, potentially eliminating them in the process.

Crash Team Rumble is now available on PS4, PS5, Xbox Series X|S, and Xbox One.