Coral Island: Where to Find Red Beryl

Coral Island: Where to Find Red Beryl

While Red Beryl may not be essential for crafting recipes in Coral Island, it plays a crucial role in completing Offerings and progressing through the storyline. Discover the steps to acquire this valuable resource on the island.

Red Beryl is a valuable gem in Coral Island that is essential for completing an Offering and finalizing the Museum collection. While not a crucial resource, obtaining Red Beryl is important for advancing the storyline and potentially strengthening relationships. This guide will assist you in obtaining, farming, and maximizing the use of Red Beryl on Coral Island.

Where to Find Red Beryl

==> You can find Red Beryl in various locations on Coral Island.

The player standing in the mines surrounded by rocks in Coral Island - Where to Find Red Beryl

The player standing in the mines surrounded by rocks in Coral Island - Where to Find Red Beryl

To get Red Beryl, head to the Earth Mine located in the northwest part of the map. You can start mining here on Day Five of your game. There are three ways to find Red Beryl in the mine: you can extract it from yellow gem nodes, collect it from earth geodes, or uncover it from mystery geodes.

There’s a slim chance (0.0025% to be precise) of obtaining Red Beryl by breaking random objects in The Earth Mine.

Yellow Gem Nodes

The most effective way to obtain Red Beryl is by smashing yellow gem nodes. These rocks boast an impressive 7.5% chance of yielding red gemstones, surpassing all other alternatives.

Earth Geodes

Mystery Geodes

Another way to obtain Red Beryl is by opening earth geodes, which have a 1.61% chance of containing the gemstones. These geodes can be obtained by breaking rocks and crates, or by fishing in the Earth Mine. If you prefer, you can also purchase geodes from the Black Market for 900 Coins.

Each Mystery Geode has a 0.58% chance of granting you a Red Beryl. Acquire these rocks either through mining in the Earth Mine or by purchasing them from the Black Market.

How to Farm Red Beryl

 - How to Farm Red Beryl

- How to Farm Red Beryl

One effective way to efficiently harvest Red Beryl is by constructing a Slime of Replication. This tool enables you to duplicate Red Beryl on your farm every day, with each gemstone taking 38 hours to generate and no additional resources needed.

What to Do with Red Beryl

coral island museum scott - What to Do with Red Beryl

coral island museum scott - What to Do with Red Beryl

Donate your first Red Beryl to the Museum and keep one for the Precious Gems Offering at the Rare Altar to progress in the story. Sell any extra gemstones for 527 Coins. If you want to make friends, consider giving them to your fellow villagersArchie and Chieftain especially love these gems.

Red Beryl is a beloved item by all. You can give it to any character without worries—everyone will appreciate it.

Editor's P/S:

The article provides a comprehensive guide to obtaining, farming, and utilizing Red Beryl in Coral Island. It is informative and well-structured, offering multiple methods for acquiring this valuable gem. The inclusion of specific percentages for drop rates from different sources is particularly helpful in planning resource gathering strategies.

One aspect that could be improved is the mention of the potential impact of Red Beryl on relationships. While it is stated that the gem is universally beloved, it would be beneficial to elaborate on the specific bonuses or benefits that gifting it to villagers may bring. This would provide players with additional motivation to seek out and farm Red Beryl beyond its use in completing Offerings and expanding the Museum collection.