Coral Island: Helping Gong and Grog with the Disguise Wanted Quest

Coral Island: Helping Gong and Grog with the Disguise Wanted Quest

Join Gong and Grog in their quest to adopt the disguise of Coral Island villagers in the challenging Disguise Wanted quest. Discover how you can assist them in achieving their goal and unravel the secrets of this exciting adventure.

How to Start the Disguise Wanted Quest

To begin the "Disguise Wanted" quest in Coral Island, you will need to assist two creatures from Giant Village in disguising themselves as humans. Your task is to find specific items like clothes and wigs to help them blend in with the villagers. Let's dive into this guide to learn how to complete this mission and discover what happens after aiding these two giants.

how to initiate the disguise wanted quest. - How to Initiate the Disguise Wanted Quest

how to initiate the disguise wanted quest. - How to Initiate the Disguise Wanted Quest

To begin the Disguise Wanted mission, start by finishing the Petrified Giant quests. During these missions, you will find and free missing giants such as Gong. After saving Gong, he will contact you with a letter, sharing his dream of becoming a "hooman." This marks the start of the Disguise Wanted mission.

How to Complete the Disguise Wanted Quest

all items required for the disguise wanted quest. - How to Complete the Disguise Wanted Quest

all items required for the disguise wanted quest. - How to Complete the Disguise Wanted Quest

Collecting the Disguise Materials

To complete the Disguise Wanted quest, you will have to gather a blazer, a flower, a pair of glasses, and some wool. Once you have all these items, you can deliver them to Gong at the Giant Village. This quest becomes accessible after saving Gong, who will then join the rest of the villagers at the town square for some fun playtime.

round stylish glasses in coral island.  - Collect the Disguise Materials

round stylish glasses in coral island. - Collect the Disguise Materials

You will need to get one disguise blazer, a pair of glasses, one flower, and three wools. Here’s how to get them.

Royal Grape Blazer: Buy the Blazer from the White Flamingo store for 2,700 Coins.

Round Stylish Glasses: Purchase the glasses from the White Flamingo or Ben’s store for 850 Coins.

Flower: Collect any flower.

Wool: Collect three wools from your sheep.

To complete the Disguise Wanted quest, you will need 3,550 Coins. If you don't have enough coins, it's okay to wait on this mission since it's not crucial for other parts of the story. Also, try not to buy the materials at Ben's store because his prices are usually higher than those at the White Flamingo.

Deliver the Materials to Gong

giant village in coral island. - Deliver the Materials to Gong

giant village in coral island. - Deliver the Materials to Gong

After collecting everything you need, head over to the Giant Village to meet up with Gong and Grog. They are excited to see you at the entrance of the village, looking forward to becoming human. If you're having trouble finding the village, go to the southwest part of the map, in the bottom left corner.

What Occurs After Completing the Disguise Wanted Quest

After successfully changing Gong and Grog into humans, the quest comes to an end. You will gain a significant amount of friendship points with these two giants and gain access to a new character named "Handsome." Handsome is actually the disguised version of Gong and Grog, who can be found wandering around the area from time to time.

Editor's P/S:

The "Disguise Wanted" quest in Coral Island is a delightful and entertaining mission that immerses players in the vibrant world of the game. The task of aiding Gong and Grog in their human disguise adventure is both amusing and rewarding. The quest's accessibility, with clear instructions and easily obtainable materials, makes it a suitable challenge for players of all levels. The outcome of the quest, introducing the enigmatic "Handsome," adds a touch of intrigue and humor to the overall experience.

The article provides a comprehensive guide to completing the quest, offering detailed instructions on acquiring the necessary disguise materials and interacting with the characters involved. The embedded images enhance the visual understanding of the quest's objectives, making it a user-friendly resource for players seeking assistance. Overall, the article effectively conveys the charm and excitement of the "Disguise Wanted" quest, encouraging readers to embark on this memorable adventure within Coral Island.