Controversial Saltburn Mug Unveiled by Amazon

Controversial Saltburn Mug Unveiled by Amazon

Amazon's viral Saltburn bathtub mug takes TikTok by storm, leaving fans pleasantly surprised Discover the latest sensation from Prime Video's official merchandise collection

Amazon recently unveiled the official Saltburn mug in a TikTok promo video, leaving fans surprised. Saltburn is the newest addition to Amazon Prime Video and has been a huge hit. Starring Jacob Elordi and Barry Keoghan, the film follows the story of Felix Catton and Oliver Quick, two college friends who spend the summer at Felix's family mansion. Despite its seemingly light-hearted plot, the film itself has a more serious tone.

While staying, Oliver skillfully influences the family members and indulges in his most extravagant fantasies. One of the most standout moments was the notorious 'bathtub' scene, which has gained notoriety on the internet for its shocking nature.

Amazon's latest product inspired by the film appears to be capitalizing on this shock factor.

Saltburn bathtub mug goes viral on TikTok

A TikTok influencer named Cynthia Parker posted a video to show off the Saltburn merchandise she had gotten from Prime Video.

She wore a Saltburn polo and a ceramic mug, but the inside of the mug caught fans by surprise.

“Prime Video, you are sick and twisted for this,” said Parker. “SICK AND TWISTED!”

Showing the camera the bottom of the mug, she reveals a bathtub drain identical to the one seen in the movie during the shocking scene.

"They actually put a bath drain in the bottom of the mug," she adds. "It just feels so wrong, you know?"

The comments below the post expressed surprise at the reveal, with some remarking on how strange it would be to 'drink milk' from it. However, fans of the film had a very different reaction.

"That is amazing," one user commented, garnering over 60,000 likes. "Where can I purchase this?"

Unfortunately, the specific Saltburn mug has not been released to the public. It seems that Parker received a PR package for the movie, but it is unclear if this mug will be made available as the movie's popularity grows.

Editor's P/S

As a hard fan of the movie Saltburn, I am thrilled with Amazon's release of the controversial Saltburn mug. The mug, which features a bathtub drain identical to the one seen in the movie's shocking scene, is a must-have for any fan of the film. While some may find the mug to be in poor taste, I believe it is a clever and creative way to commemorate the movie. I would be proud to display the mug in my home and would love to see it released to the public.

The mug has sparked a lot of discussion online, with some people finding it hilarious and others finding it disturbing. I personally think it's a great way to show your love for the movie and its unique sense of humor. I would definitely buy one if it was available for purchase.