Conquering Metal Gear Solid 2: Mastering the Harrier Battle

Conquering Metal Gear Solid 2: Mastering the Harrier Battle

Conquer Vamp's Harrier and ensure Raiden's success in infiltrating Shell-2! Discover the ultimate strategy to neutralize this formidable aerial threat in Metal Gear Solid 2: How to Defeat the Harrier

In Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of the Patriots, players are confronted with the final obstacle of battling the Harrier before gaining access to Shell-2. With the support of "Iroqois Pliskin" and armed with the powerful Stinger, Raiden must strategically take cover and carefully select the opportune moments to chip away at the Harrier's health bar by utilizing homing rockets. This guide will provide the necessary strategies to successfully defeat the Harrier.

How to Beat the Harrier

Conquering Metal Gear Solid 2: Mastering the Harrier Battle

During the initiation of the battle, Vamp will commence preparations to charge towards the platform aboard the Harrier. To determine his location, players must consult the radar and seek cover behind one of the sizable tanks situated on the platform. By strategically positioning himself behind a tank, Raiden can shield himself from Vamp's assaults. Subsequently, after the Harrier has passed overhead, players should arm themselves with the Stinger and direct their aim towards the aircraft, endeavoring to acquire a target lock and launch a rocket before its return.

Throughout this encounter, Vamp will alternate between three primary methods of attack. These include his initial charging attack, a rapid burst of gunfire from the Gatling guns, and a barrage of rockets. Hovering near the platform, Vamp will unleash a torrent of bullets from the Harrier's Gatling guns towards Raiden. Players should utilize the large tank as cover and move strategically to evade Vamp's line of fire as he circles around. Once his gunfire ceases, it is the opportune moment to take aim, lock on, and fire the stinger. If Vamp's aim is significantly off, players may even attempt a sneak attack while he is occupied, but only if his aim deviates significantly from Raiden's position, providing an opening for exploitation.

When Vamp positions himself on one side of the platform and starts launching rockets, players should seek refuge behind the tank once more, ensuring that Raiden remains safely out of Vamp's grasp until the barrage subsides. As soon as Vamp ceases firing, players should seize the opportunity to retrieve the Stinger, lock on to Vamp, and unleash their own attack.

Snake will provide Raiden with support throughout this encounter, furnishing him with additional Stinger ammunition and a supply of Rations. It is highly advisable to seize these resources whenever possible, particularly if Raiden sustains damage from the Gatling gun's gunfire or becomes ensnared in an explosion.

Snake can also attack Vamp directly after he finishes his strafing rocket attack or his Gatling gun attack, taking some pressure off Raiden.

Conquering Metal Gear Solid 2: Mastering the Harrier Battle

After sustaining significant damage, a cutscene will initiate, causing the Harrier to release cluster bombs that will strike the entire platform. To evade this assault, players can swiftly run towards the right side and swiftly hang off the edge as soon as the cutscene concludes. This occurrence is limited to only once throughout the entire battle. In addition, once in the course of the fight, the Harrier has the capability to unleash a scorching heat beam, descending directly from above the arena. This formidable attack is also preceded by a cutscene and can be evaded by leaping down the hole positioned in the middle of the arena and seeking refuge in an area sheltered by a roof.

Conquering Metal Gear Solid 2: Mastering the Harrier Battle

Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty

Franchise: Metal Gear

Platforms: PC, PS3, Xbox 360, PS Vita

Release Date: November 13, 2001

Developed by: Konami

Published by: Konami

Genre: Stealth

ESRB Rating: M for Mature 17+ (due to animated blood, animated violence)

Estimated Gameplay Time: 13 hours

Editor's P/S

In Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty, the Harrier battle stands as a formidable challenge that tests the skills and determination of players. As Raiden, armed with the Stinger, players must strategically navigate the battlefield, utilizing cover and carefully selecting their moments to strike. The battle unfolds in a thrilling sequence of events, with Vamp launching various attacks from the Harrier, including charging assaults, Gatling gun fire, and rocket barrages.

To emerge victorious, players must remain vigilant, adapting to Vamp's changing tactics and exploiting his brief moments of vulnerability. The support provided by Snake, in the form of additional Stinger ammunition and Rations, proves invaluable in sustaining Raiden's efforts throughout the intense encounter. The battle with the Harrier not only showcases the intense and engaging gameplay that Metal Gear Solid 2 is renowned for but also highlights the significance of strategic thinking and adaptability in overcoming seemingly insurmountable obstacles.