Concerns Arise Over The Crow Remake's Initial Images Despite Bill Skarsgård's Appeal

Concerns Arise Over The Crow Remake's Initial Images Despite Bill Skarsgård's Appeal

The design of The Crow remake raises some concerns, prompting comparisons to the original.

A remake of The Crow is finally in the works, with Bill Skarsgård set to star in the upcoming film. While the original 1994 movie starring Brandon Lee gained a cult following over the years, the first images from the remake have raised concerns. It remains to be seen if the new version of The Crow will live up to expectations, as the initial impression is not promising.

The Crow 2024 is a dark superhero film based on the 1989 comic book series, previously adapted to the big screen in 1994. The story revolves around Eric Draven, who is killed alongside his fiancée before rising from the dead as a supernatural avenger known as The Crow. Bill Skarsgård will be portraying the iconic character in the 2024 remake, but the outlook for the film is currently uncertain.

The First Look At Bill Skarsgård In The Crow Isn't Encouraging (& Too Much Like Jared Leto's Joker)

Bill Skarsgard as Eric Draven Kissing FKA Twigs as Shelly Webster Wearing a Wedding Veil in The Crow  - The First Look At Bill Skarsgård In The Crow Isn't Encouraging (& Too Much Like Jared Leto's Joker)

Bill Skarsgard as Eric Draven Kissing FKA Twigs as Shelly Webster Wearing a Wedding Veil in The Crow - The First Look At Bill Skarsgård In The Crow Isn't Encouraging (& Too Much Like Jared Leto's Joker)

A first look at Bill Skarsgård in The Crow has been released, unveiling the new design of Eric Draven/The Crow. The new design of The Crow in 2024 is a departure from the iconic look established by Brandon Lee in the 1994 film. The Crow 1994's design was known for its comic-accurate goth-inspired appearance, featuring white face paint and heavy eye makeup. In contrast, The Crow 2024 opts for a more subtle makeup approach and emphasizes tattoos over traditional makeup.

Interestingly, Bill Skarsgård's portrayal of The Crow in 2024 bears a striking resemblance to Jared Leto's Joker design from Suicide Squad. The heavy tattoos sported by Skarsgård's Crow are reminiscent of those seen on Leto's Joker, a comparison that may not be favorable. This iteration of The Crow seems to blend elements of Suicide Squad's Joker and El Diablo, straying significantly from the original design. Skarsgård's interpretation of The Crow appears to deviate from the traditional comic book aesthetic established by Lee, potentially posing a challenge.

The Crow Remake Already Faced An Uphill Battle - Now It's Worse

brandon lee as eric in the crow wearing electrical tape - The Crow Remake Already Faced An Uphill Battle - Now It's Worse

brandon lee as eric in the crow wearing electrical tape - The Crow Remake Already Faced An Uphill Battle - Now It's Worse

The 2024 The Crow remake was already facing challenges before the release of its first look. The design of Skarsgård's The Crow has only added to the controversy surrounding the remake, with many, including director Alex Proyas, strongly opposing it. Fans of the original see it as a tribute to Brandon Lee, whose tragic death during filming adds to its legacy. The remake is seen by some as a threat to this legacy, with a desire to protect the original intact.

If the preservation of Brandon Lee's The Crow is the main concern with the remake, the first look at Bill Skarsgård's portrayal does not alleviate these worries. The drastic departure in character design suggests a lack of reverence for the original performance, potentially diminishing the legacy of the first film. This misstep in the marketing campaign of The Crow needs to be addressed promptly to maintain the integrity of the remake.

Why The Crow Remake Could Still Be Good

Brandon Lee as Eric Draven in The Crow 1994 - Why The Crow Remake Could Still Be Good

Brandon Lee as Eric Draven in The Crow 1994 - Why The Crow Remake Could Still Be Good

While the initial impression of The Crow remake may not be promising, there is still potential for it to be a good film. Bill Skarsgård, a talented actor, seems like a fitting choice for the role despite any concerns about his design in the movie. He could deliver a standout performance that pays homage to the character and story, distinguishing itself from Brandon Lee's portrayal.

Furthermore, The Crow boasts a team of skilled individuals. Zach Baylin, known for his work on Creed III and Gran Turismo, is one of the writers involved. FKA Twigs, who previously appeared in Honey Boy, will also have a role in the film. The movie is set for a Summer 2024 release, indicating the studio's confidence in its potential success. Despite initial doubts, there is a chance that the remake of The Crow could exceed expectations.

Editor's P/S:

The Crow remake has been met with mixed reactions, with some fans expressing concerns about the new design of Eric Draven/The Crow. While it is understandable to be hesitant about changes to an iconic character, it is important to remain open-minded and give the filmmakers a chance to prove themselves. Bill Skarsgård is a talented actor who could potentially bring a fresh and unique interpretation to the role, and the involvement of skilled individuals such as Zach Baylin and FKA Twigs suggests that the film is in good hands.

Ultimately, the success of The Crow remake will depend on the execution of the film as a whole, including the story, performances, and overall atmosphere. While the first look may not have been universally well-received, it is too early to judge the film based solely on that. It is possible that the remake could surprise us and deliver a compelling and respectful take on the beloved comic book character.