Comparing Strength: Adult Mikasa vs Levi in Attack On Titan
Unleashing the true might of the Ackerman Clan, this article explores the clash between a battle-hardened Mikasa and a wounded Levi, as they face off in a thrilling showdown of strength and maturity
The origins of the Ackerman clan in Attack on Titan remain a mystery, but their superhuman abilities and combat skills make them formidable warriors.
Levi, renowned as the "Humanity's Strongest Soldier," exhibited extraordinary combat prowess through his impressive speed, mastery of omni-directional maneuvering gear, and strategic brilliance.
Similar to Levi, Mikasa's progression as a soldier closely mirrored his own, as she excelled in utilizing ODM gear and Thunder Spears, ultimately playing a crucial role in the ultimate confrontation. In the end, due to Levi's injuries, Mikasa may have surpassed him, albeit marginally, in terms of combat effectiveness.
In the fictional universe of Attack on Titan, the true origins of the Ackerman clan remain veiled in secrecy. Very little is known about how each individual bearing the Ackerman name possesses such immense power, being likened to an entire brigade of soldiers. The most prominently featured figures from this lineage, Levi and Mikasa Ackerman, stand out as the Survey Corps' most formidable warriors, rivaling even the Titan shifters among their ranks. This air of intrigue surrounding them only adds to the enigma of their abilities.
Throughout the majority of Attack on Titan, Levi earned the moniker of "Humanity's Strongest Soldier," and rightfully so. Few could match his prowess in engaging Titan shifters individually. However, the events of the War for Paradis Arc took their toll on Levi's exceptional combat skills, creating a void that needed to be filled. Fortunately, Mikasa was more than capable of stepping up to the challenge, possessing numerous qualities that made her ideal for the position. Her remarkable growth as a combatant has now sparked debates on who ultimately emerged as the stronger force between the two during the series' climactic final battle.
The Power Of The Ackerman Clan
Up to now, there has been only a brief explanation of the extraordinary strength, speed, and strategic abilities possessed by the Ackerman clan. These abilities enabled them to defeat adversaries who appeared to be more powerful. Zeke Yeager, the War Chief of Marley's Warrior Unit and holder of the Beast Titan, revealed that the Ackerman clan's unique powers were the result of experiments conducted on the Subjects of Ymir by the Eldian Empire.
Consequently, members of the clan were immune to the Founding Titan's manipulation of memories and could not be transformed into Pure Titans. This immunity was one of the reasons why the clan faced persecution after the 145th Fritz King abandoned the Eldian Empire and took refuge in Paradis, as they were among the few who knew about the existence of life beyond the Walls. Most importantly, members of the Ackerman clan were able to access aspects of the Titan's Power while in human form, without the need for any physical transformation.
Generally, the ability to tap into an Ackerman's superhuman physical attributes was not inherent from birth. Instead, it was achieved through an awakening triggered by a specific event that awakened their survival instincts. This awakening allowed them to access the collective battle experience of their Ackerman ancestors, which bestowed upon them extraordinary abilities. One notable example of an Ackerman demonstrating their awakened power occurred when Mikasa, as a young child, was able to single-handedly eliminate one of her kidnappers.
Levi's Immense Combat Abilities
Levi himself has confirmed a similar occurrence in his life, which is the driving force behind his exceptional prowess. In his account, this awakening provided an Ackerman with unparalleled mental clarity, enabling them to discern precisely what actions were required in any given situation, while also endowing them with superhuman strength. When coupled with his unmatched proficiency in omni-directional maneuvering (ODM) gear, Levi became an unstoppable combatant, potentially surpassing all other characters in the series prior to Eren gaining the powers of the Founding Titan.
Levi's exceptional ODM gear usage made him the top performer in the Survey Corps. His unmatched speed allowed him to effortlessly execute intricate midair maneuvers, leaving even experienced Titan shifters unable to catch him. Alongside his strategic brilliance, he could swiftly develop tactics to take on Titan shifters single-handedly. The distinctive way he wielded his right-handed sword enabled him to deliver devastating attacks, slicing through Titan flesh with spinning and rotating motions. While preferring swords, Levi also showcased proficiency in using the more effective Thunder Spears on multiple occasions.
Throughout the series, Levi's astounding strength was most evident in his battles against the Beast Titan. Although he relied on his comrades for distractions during the Battle of Shiganshina and had the advantage of the Titan Forest in their third encounter, he swiftly dismantled Zeke Yeager's Titan form from head to toe, leaving him little time to react. Sadly, in a self-sacrificing act, Zeke detonated a close-range Thunder Spear, causing Levi significant injuries, including the loss of two fingers on his right hand and severe facial scarring. Despite these setbacks, Levi played a crucial role in the final battle. However, his mobility suffered greatly in the years following its conclusion, leading to dire consequences.
Mikasa's Growth As A Soldier
Mikasa was hailed as an unparalleled genius by her instructors, excelling in every aspect of her training. She skillfully utilized ODM gear to effortlessly evade Titans and eliminate them, even as a cadet. Being an Ackerman, Mikasa possessed the same level of strength and battle awareness as Levi, which quickly propelled her to prominence within the Survey Corps. She earned respect as one of their most capable and respected soldiers. Mikasa's growth closely mirrored Levi's, although she had a few abrasive qualities that set her apart.
Initially, Mikasa's lack of battle experience led to moments of recklessness, particularly when it involved Eren. She would hastily abandon her own well-being to come to his aid, often leaving her allies to face the consequences of her actions. However, after the time skip, her overprotective attitude towards Eren significantly mellowed. She became more cautious and strategic in most situations, demonstrating a notable improvement in her teamwork skills. This was evident during the Raid on Liberio and various other instances.
Mikasa possessed an unmatched talent for wielding Thunder Spears, surpassing even their creator, Hange Zoe. Notably, her immense physical strength enabled her to bear up to eight of these weapons simultaneously, a feat that can only be described as remarkable. Furthermore, her impactful contributions played a crucial role in determining the outcome of the ultimate battle. When accounting for Mikasa's evolving strategic insight and burgeoning maturity, it is plausible that she could potentially outperform Levi in his weakened state by the conclusion of Attack on Titan.
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