Comparing Search Marketing Generalists and Specialists: Advantages and Disadvantages

Comparing Search Marketing Generalists and Specialists: Advantages and Disadvantages

Explore the distinctions between search marketing generalists and specialists. Understand the unique contributions of each role to achieving SEO and paid search objectives.

Search marketing is a special part of digital marketing that needs a variety of skills and roles to handle it effectively.

SEO, in particular, demands expertise beyond just SEO specialists. Even paid search needs more than just running ads on a search engine ad platform.

Experienced search marketers are familiar with all aspects of SEO and paid search. However, they tend to lean towards the areas they enjoy the most, excel in, or have had the most success with.

For example, some may specialize in technical SEO, while others may focus on content creation or specialize in building backlinks.

UX design, copywriting, web development, and IT all have connections with SEO and PPC tasks. Additionally, depending on the workload, measurement and analytics may also require external assistance.

When building your in-house digital marketing team, you have various options to consider. You can hire different individuals, work with agencies, or collaborate with partners to achieve your search marketing objectives.

When choosing between different options for SEO and PPC partners, it's important to consider the pros and cons of each decision.

It's essential to remember that there isn't a one-size-fits-all solution. Make sure to evaluate your specific needs and choose a partner that aligns with them.

I encourage you to consider the pros and cons of both search marketing generalists and specialists to make the best decision for your needs.

Search Marketing Generalists

A search marketing generalist is a person or agency that does everything.

That could include both SEO and paid search. Within that, services could include all aspects of search marketing.

That means everything from strategy to tactics to measurement and everything in between.

Generalists: Pros

Single entity facilitating communication.

A deeper understanding of your brand and subject matter.

Greater accountability for performance is achieved by having one person/team/agency.

Generalists: Cons

Potentially lacking depth of expertise in granular areas of search compared to some peers.

Strategy and implementation may be more big-picture-focused and less tangible.

Generalists may not have experience in certain channels, networks, or aspects of search. If they work at an agency, they will handle all aspects of search along with other digital and traditional marketing tasks. SEO could just be one of many things on their list of responsibilities.

It doesn’t mean they don’t have the skills to be a good match for you. You may just need to ask more questions during the interview to make sure they have the knowledge you need for your brand.

There are many benefits when it comes to their communication skills, understanding of your business, and how their salary or fees can adapt well if they are a generalist.

You may prefer not to handle multiple specialists or agencies as a general contractor. Instead, you might prefer having one dedicated partner responsible for search performance.

It's important to be cautious when dealing with complicated search problems that a generalist may not have the expertise or capability to fully address.

Search Marketing Specialists

When considering hiring someone for SEO or PPC, it's important to look beyond just seeing it listed on their resume or contract. Take the time to understand their experience and how it aligns with what you are looking for.

A search marketing specialist is a person, team, or agency focused on a specific aspect of search marketing.

That could mean they focus on just SEO or PPC.

They could be even more focused than that on specific aspects of PPC or within the spectrum of SEO, like the technical layer or content.

Specialists: Pros

Deep expertise in specific channels, networks, or aspects of search.

Ability to go to extremes in troubleshooting and problem-solving.

Can go deeper than competitors.

Specialists: Cons

Likely further away from business outcomes and goals.

Lack of ability to manage broader effort and team.

Having access to higher-cost resources may require additional resources overall.

Bringing in a specialist individual or agency can give your team a competitive edge. They have the ability to elevate your strategies beyond those of your competitors and address key challenges in business, digital, and search optimization.

Working with a specialist means having someone who can provide valuable strategies and up-to-date recommendations. They are focused on current trends and future developments in the industry.

On the downside, specialists may be more costly compared to other hires you need to make.

They might not integrate as well with your ultimate business goals because they spend their time deep in the subject matter. They might also have a limited toolset to bring to the job.


If you feel like there is a bias in this article and you believe you have identified it, that's perfectly fine. My intention was not to exaggerate the advantages and disadvantages or promote one type of search marketing professionals over the other.

I believe that you may have a preference for what suits your organization best.

In my digital agency that specializes in search, I have employees who can be classified as either generalists or specialists. However, the distinction between the two is not always clear-cut.

I enjoy both paid and organic search for different reasons.

When I first began my career as an SEO professional, I could handle about 90% of the work on my own. However, I'm pleased to see the industry evolve over time, moving away from working in isolation to becoming more integrated into the mainstream.

In this article, I want to highlight the fact that with search becoming increasingly popular in marketing strategies, there is no single solution that fits everyone.

Whether you are setting up an internal team, outsourcing to an agency, or using a mix of different resources for search, it is crucial to assess your available resources, understand your strengths and weaknesses, and establish realistic ROI goals.

It can be overwhelming with many people claiming to have experience in SEO or PPC and numerous agencies offering these services. Therefore, it is crucial to thoroughly understand what you are investing in to ensure that you find the best fit for your company's current situation and future goals.

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Featured Image: Wichien Tepsuttinun/Shutterstock

Editor's P/S:

The article provides a comprehensive overview of the different types of search marketing professionals, their pros and cons, and how to choose the best option for your organization. The author acknowledges the potential bias in the article and emphasizes the importance of evaluating your specific needs and choosing a partner that aligns with them.

In my opinion, the article effectively highlights the key differences between search marketing generalists and specialists. Generalists offer a wider range of services and can provide a more holistic approach to search marketing. However, they may lack the depth of expertise in specific areas that specialists can provide. Specialists, on the other hand, have a deep understanding of specific aspects of search marketing and can provide targeted solutions to complex challenges. The choice between generalists and specialists ultimately depends on the specific needs and resources of your organization.