Comparing Attack on Titan Finale's Most Intense Moment to Schindler's List

Comparing Attack on Titan Finale's Most Intense Moment to Schindler's List

MAPPA Studios captivates fans with a poignant connection between the harrowing scenes in the Attack on Titan finale and the emotional impact of Schindler's List

The Attack on Titan finale received overwhelming praise from fans after its premiere on Japanese broadcast television and streaming services worldwide over the weekend. Fans hailed this final chapter as the best-directed installment in the anime series' decade-long run on television.

One particular scene in the Attack on Titan finale has garnered special acclaim from fans. It depicts the people of Marley passionately attempting to rescue the life of an infant baby. The scene is visually striking, as it is entirely filmed in black and white, apart from the child, their mother, and the red-colored swaddle cloth, reminiscent of blood.

Shortly after the conclusion of the Attack on Titan finale, Twitter was flooded with fan reactions, praising and noting the significance of the baby in the scene as a nod to Steven Spielberg's acclaimed movie, Schindler's List. This iconic film also featured a similar motif, where a young child wearing a red coat stands out as the sole colored element in the entire scene.

MAPPA Studios earns fans’ love by connecting Attack on Titan finale’s tragedies to those seen in Schindler’s List

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The reference to the Schindler's List film in the Attack on Titan finale has become a popular topic on social media. In the film, the little girl in the red coat serves as a distress signal and a plea for help from the Jewish community to the Allied forces who are unaware of the genocide taking place. This scene can also be seen as a representation of the innocence of the victims, as her appearances coincide with pivotal moments in Schindler's realization of the horrors of the Jewish genocide. In a similar vein, the adults in the film are responsible for putting her in danger and involving her in a world that she had no part in creating, aligning with the anime's theme of "Children of the Forest."

Similarly, she stands out in a relatively undefined setting, aiming to engage the audience in her narrative. This objective is evident in the finale of Attack on Titan, where the child becomes an innocent victim in a world of animosity they had no part in creating. Viewers are captivated by this portrayal, and in doing so, the anime reinforces the same message that Spielberg sought to convey in his film.

The reference further emphasizes the anime's strong influence from the real-life Holocaust, Nazi Germany, and the atrocities perpetrated by Adolf Hitler. Considering this, the referential scene in the final episode acts as a powerful symbolic element that ties together the series' prevailing themes and inspirations derived from these historical tragedies.

Stay tuned for updates on anime, manga, films, and live-action content throughout the course of 2023.

Editor's P/S

Attack on Titan's finale has been met with mixed reactions from fans, with some praising the intense and emotional conclusion to the long-running series, while others have criticized it for its rushed pacing and lack of closure. However, one scene in particular has received widespread acclaim from fans and critics alike: the scene in which the people of Marley attempt to rescue an infant baby.

This scene is visually stunning, as it is entirely filmed in black and white, apart from the child, their mother, and the red-colored swaddle cloth, reminiscent of blood. The scene is also incredibly moving, as it highlights the innocence and vulnerability of children in the midst of war and violence. The baby is a symbol of hope and resilience, and its rescue is a reminder that even in the darkest of times, there is still light.