CoD: MW3 - Unlock Exclusive Multiplayer, Zombies, and Warzone Bonuses by Completing the Campaign

CoD: MW3 - Unlock Exclusive Multiplayer, Zombies, and Warzone Bonuses by Completing the Campaign

Unlock exciting bonuses in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 by conquering all 15 thrilling campaign missions (except one) Prepare for enhanced multiplayer, thrilling zombie battles, and epic Warzone encounters with Activision's exclusive rewards

Activision is motivating players to engage in and finish the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III campaign by providing a range of incentives. A total of 14 in-game bonuses have been announced by the company, which players can unlock upon successfully completing the game's 15 missions.

These bonuses encompass various rewards such as calling cards, double XP tokens, Operators, and even a weapon blueprint. Almost every mission grants the opportunity to unlock these rewards, with only one mission seemingly not offering any.

CoD: MW3 - Unlock Exclusive Multiplayer, Zombies, and Warzone Bonuses by Completing the Campaign

Experience the rewards of Modern Warfare III's campaign in multiplayer, Zombies, and Warzone without the need for early access. Anyone can partake in the campaign and reap its benefits.

For those who digitally preorder the game, Modern Warfare III's campaign will be unlocked on November 2. Others can join the action on November 10, the game's official launch date, which is also when multiplayer becomes available. Alongside the familiar 16 maps from 2009's Modern Warfare II, there will be a selection of maps from 2022's Modern Warfare II, which will be added shortly after the game's release.

Beware of spoilers circulating online as some story sequences from Modern Warfare III have been leaked ahead of its launch this week.

For additional information, refer to Our Website's preorder guide for Modern Warfare III and get all the details you need. You can also find out the exact release date of the game here.

Modern Warfare III campaign completion rewards:

"Breather" Calling Card

30 mins Double Player XP Token & 30 mins Double Weapon XP Token

"Corso" Operator

"Ghillie Guy" Calling Card

30 mins XP Token and 30m Weapon XP Token

"Pathfinder" Operator

"Toxic Drip" Calling Card

1 hour Double Player XP Token and 1 hour Double Weapon XP Token

"Doc" Operator

"Skull Rhapsody' Calling Card

1 hour Double Player XP Token and 1 hour Double Weapon XP Token

"Jabber" Operator

Campaign Completion Emblem

Campaign Completion Weapon Blueprint

Editor's P/S

As a passionate fan of the Call of Duty franchise, I am thrilled about the exclusive bonuses that Activision is offering for completing the campaign in Modern Warfare 3. The campaign is an integral part of the game, and it's great that Activision is rewarding players for taking the time to experience it.

The bonuses themselves are also very exciting. The calling cards and double XP tokens will be great for multiplayer, and the Operators and weapon blueprint will be a great addition to my collection. I'm especially looking forward to the "Ghillie Guy" calling card, which is a nice nod to the classic Modern Warfare 2 character.

Overall, I think these bonuses are a great way to incentivize players to complete the campaign, and I'm excited to see what else Activision has in store for us in Modern Warfare 3.