Classics that Needed Another Little Edit

Classics that Needed Another Little Edit

Exploring the impact of alternative endings on iconic movies.


Certain movies are defined by their endings, but what if those endings were different? How would it change our perception of the story? The impact of an ending on a movie cannot be overstated; it can elevate an average film or dampen the brilliance of a great one. In this article, we delve into the world of cinema to explore the impact of alternative endings on iconic movies.

A woman and a creature/crawler in The Descent.

A woman and a creature/crawler in The Descent.

While some movies are improved by their perfect endings, others could have been much better with a few minutes shaved off. From horror classics to beloved franchises, the final moments of a film can make or break the entire experience. Let's take a closer look at some classics that needed another little edit.

Carey Mulligan in Promising Young Woman

Carey Mulligan in Promising Young Woman

The Impact of Endings

Plenty of potentially great movies have been ruined by messy third acts or uninspired finales. Similarly, a lot of otherwise middling movies have been improved by unexpectedly stellar endings. If viewers leave a cinema feeling satisfied by a movie’s conclusion, they are less likely to remember how unimpressed they were earlier in the film. On the flip side, if the last hour of a movie doesn’t work, it won’t matter how strong the opening half was.

Mary Elizabeth Winstead in 10 Cloverfield Lane

Mary Elizabeth Winstead in 10 Cloverfield Lane

While there are many mediocre movies saved by great twists, there are also plenty of great movies that were let down by their closing acts. A much more frustrating phenomenon occurs when a movie is great right up until its last few minutes, only to be let down by the final frames. Some already-great movies would be improved immeasurably if the filmmakers trimmed just five minutes or so from their runtime.

Michelle hiding from Howard in 10 Cloverfield Lane

Michelle hiding from Howard in 10 Cloverfield Lane

Revisiting Iconic Endings

Let's delve into some iconic movies and explore how alternative endings could have altered their impact on audiences.

Mary Elizabeth Winstead as Michelle in 10 Cloverfield Lane and Statue of Liberty in Cloverfield

Mary Elizabeth Winstead as Michelle in 10 Cloverfield Lane and Statue of Liberty in Cloverfield

2005’s The Descent is a cult classic known for its intense, claustrophobic horror. The downbeat twist ending, revealing that the protagonist imagined her escape, was a controversial choice. However, cutting this last-second revelation, as The Descent’s US edit did, actually improved the movie’s grueling survival story.

John Goodman in 10 Cloverfield Lane

John Goodman in 10 Cloverfield Lane

In 2021, Promising Young Woman's unremittingly dark story took an unexpected turn in its closing moments, instilling faith in the legal system and undoing its own incendiary polemic. The ending didn't quite fit the movie's message, leaving audiences divided.

Mary Elizabeth Winstead in 10 Cloverfield Lane

Mary Elizabeth Winstead in 10 Cloverfield Lane

10 Cloverfield Lane's shocking dénouement revealing the reality of the alien threat was a perfect ending, until the unnecessary confirmation that humans were successfully fighting the invaders was added. This addition diminished the impact of the original twist.

Ben frowning in Savages 2012

Ben frowning in Savages 2012

Savages, a grim crime drama, concluded with a fittingly brutal ending that was then undone by a bizarre “It was all a dream” revelation. This sunnier, sillier ending detracted from the movie's powerful climax.

Bruce and Selina at a café in The Dark Knight Rises

Bruce and Selina at a café in The Dark Knight Rises