Christie stands firm against mounting pressure to withdraw, launches massive ad campaign in New Hampshire

Christie stands firm against mounting pressure to withdraw, launches massive ad campaign in New Hampshire

Chris Christie defies pressure to withdraw from the 2024 GOP primary with a powerful seven-figure ad campaign in New Hampshire, firmly asserting his determination to remain in the race Exclusive details shared with CNN

Chris Christie is defiantly rejecting calls for him to withdraw from the 2024 Republican presidential primary with a new seven-figure ad buy premiering in New Hampshire on Thursday, exclusively revealed to CNN. "Some people believe I should quit this race. Seriously? I am the only one calling out Donald Trump as a liar," states the former New Jersey governor, who is significantly behind the former president, in a direct-to-camera ad airing on broadcast and digital platforms.

Christie's campaign has made a strategic decision to increase resources for its all-in-on-New Hampshire strategy ahead of the January 23 primary. The campaign has emphasized its low cash burn rate, with media interviews and ads funded by a super PAC. In a 30-second spot, Christie references his former ally's vengeful Christmas message and involvement in the January 6, 2021, US Capitol riot, warning Granite State voters that his ally would "burn America to the ground to help himself," a sentiment echoed privately by other Republican leaders but only spoken out loud by Christie.

Christie has refined his answer to voters who ask why he remains in the race, stating that he is the only candidate directly challenging the GOP front-runner.

In a recent CBS News/YouGov poll, it was revealed that 10% of potential GOP primary voters in New Hampshire have chosen Christie as their top candidate. This places him behind Trump, who is at 44%, and former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley, who is at 29%, but puts him on a similar level as Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, who is also at 11%.

Haley has been gaining momentum and support from donors, putting pressure on Christie to withdraw from the race in order to reduce the number of alternative Trump candidates. However, Christie emphasized during his recent campaign trail that even if he exited the race before the New Hampshire primary, not all of his supporters would automatically support Trump's former ambassador to the United Nations.

During a house party in Portsmouth last week, he informed a voter that if Haley demonstrated that she was "truly running against Donald Trump," then he "might" be willing to consider supporting her.

Christie contested that Nikki refused to answer whether she would accept a vice presidential position from Trump, a stance both he and DeSantis have taken. The Christie campaign's investment in New Hampshire also involves the launch of a second ad, titled "The Choice," which will be released on Friday. This ad will outline Christie's vision for America and advocate for unity.

This story has been updated with additional context.