Chipotle collaborates with Strava to aid New Year’s fitness goals

Chipotle collaborates with Strava to aid New Year’s fitness goals

Get fit and fuel your resolutions with Chipotle! Run or walk designated routes on Strava that lead to Chipotle restaurants, and stand a chance to win free Lifestyle Bowls Join the fitness revolution now!

Article Brief:

Chipotle has teamed up with the fitness app Strava to introduce a range of custom route segments and a challenge that kicks off today (Jan. 2), as per the company's announcement.

Chipotle segments, where Strava users can compete, are located in New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Washington, Denver, and Columbus, Ohio, ending at a Chipotle location. The top finisher in each city will win free Chipotle Lifestyle Bowls for a year. Chipotle is the first QSR brand to offer custom challenges on Strava, with the promotion running throughout January to encourage healthier lifestyles.

Article Insight:

Following the holiday season, where overindulgence is common, it is expected that half of all consumers will make a New Year's resolution to lose weight, while nearly 47% will commit to exercising more. Chipotle is seizing this opportunity by promoting its Lifestyle Bowls and partnering with Strava to target these resolution-driven consumers.

Chipotle's internal survey found that almost 70% of their customers who are runners are likely to eat Chipotle after training for a race. To encourage this behavior, the company is running frequency challenges to reward customers with free Lifestyle Bowls, customizable to various diets, for completing segments that end at Chipotle restaurants.

One such challenge encourages customers to log at least 20 minutes of activity twice a week between Jan. 15th and 28th to receive free guacamole. Chipotle Rewards members will also receive a free Lifestyle Bowl with the purchase of another bowl on Jan. 12th, known as Quitters Day. Additionally, Chipotle will be sponsoring a streak-based challenge on the Strava app between Jan. 15th and 31st. Throughout the month, there will also be free delivery on Lifestyle Bowl orders made through the web or the company’s app.

Chipotle's promotion this year is a follow-up to last New Year's launch of the Lifestyle Bowls. The company created a Snapchat Lens with meditation prompts and exercises. This year's partnership is launching at the beginning of the year to capture the enthusiasm of starting on a positive note. Last year's promotion launched in the middle of the month when consumer dedication to resolutions wavered.