China Southern Airlines' Inaugural Flight: Shenzhen to Mexico City Direct Route

China Southern Airlines' Inaugural Flight: Shenzhen to Mexico City Direct Route

Experience the historic launch of China Southern Airlines' direct passenger flight from Shenzhen to Mexico City, marking the longest flight route originating from China. Don't miss this milestone in air travel history!

China Southern Airlines is making history by introducing its inaugural direct passenger flight from Shenzhen to Mexico City. This route will mark the longest non-stop regular commercial flight departing from China.

In each direction, the flight will span an intercontinental distance of approximately 14,147 kilometers (8,790 miles).

The first flight will leave from Shenzhen, China on May 11, heading nonstop to Mexico City. China Southern Airlines provided this information, with flights scheduled for Tuesdays and Saturdays.

On the return journey, the estimated flight time is 21 hours and 20 minutes, making it a bit longer. Flights will start on Wednesdays and Sundays starting from May 12.

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The slightly longer route to China includes a brief refueling stopover at Tijuana, during which passengers have to stay on board.

The roundtrip journey, operated using the flight code CZ8031/2, will be serviced by an Airbus A350 aircraft. This information was reported by SZ News, a news outlet affiliated with the state and based in Shenzhen.

This new route surpasses China Southern Airlines' Guangzhou to New York flight, which is currently the longest non-stop commercial flight departing from a Chinese airport, covering a distance of 12,871 kilometers.

Singapore Airlines currently operates the world's longest nonstop flight, covering a distance of 15,332 kilometers from Singapore to New York. The flight lasts around 19 hours in each direction.

China Southern Airlines has introduced a new route that would surpass Singapore Airlines' Singapore to Los Angeles flight, taking the 8th spot on the list of the world's longest flights according to aviation analytics database OAG.

China reopened its borders to travelers last year, marking the first time since the start of the coronavirus pandemic in early 2020. Airlines have been gradually resuming flight routes that were either stopped or significantly reduced during the pandemic, with a focus on long-haul flights to the United States and various destinations in Europe.

According to reports from Chinese state media agency Xinhua, China Southern Airlines made history by becoming the first Chinese carrier to offer flights to Mexico. In April 2017, they launched the Guangzhou-Vancouver-Mexico City route.

Editor's P/S:

The introduction of a direct passenger flight from Shenzhen to Mexico City by China Southern Airlines is a remarkable achievement in aviation history. The unprecedented distance of 14,147 kilometers makes it the longest non-stop regular commercial flight departing from China. This new route not only connects two major cities but also strengthens the economic and cultural ties between the two countries.

The significance of this flight goes beyond its geographical distance. It marks the gradual resumption of long-haul flights after the pandemic and reflects the growing demand for international travel. Moreover, it highlights China's expanding presence in the global aviation market and its commitment to providing convenient and efficient transportation options for passengers worldwide.