Chilling Words: 25 Rick Grimes Quotes That Will Give You Goosebumps
Discover the bone-chilling intensity of The Walking Dead's Rick Grimes through his 25 most spine-tingling quotes From merciless threats to heart-wrenching confessions, experience the terrifying depths of his character in this gripping collection
Article Overview
The quotes of Rick Grimes in The Walking Dead not only established him as the hero but also offered valuable insights into the the post-apocalyptic world dominated by zombies. As the series progressed, Rick's quotes gained increasing depth and significance.
Rick Grimes undergoes a significant transformation, spurred on by trauma, chaos, and bloodshed. Throughout his journey, he delivers powerful quotes that exemplify his shifting values and guiding principles. The introduction of Andrew Lincoln's return as Rick in the show's concluding scenes not only paves the way for his spinoff series but also guarantees that his memorable quotes will linger in the hearts of fans for years to come.
The main story of The Walking Dead begins after the zombie apocalypse, and Rick Grimes' quotes in the series served as a powerful connection for the audience, helping them understand the world he and the other survivors lived in. Actor Andrew Lincoln left the show in season 9, but his impact continued through a series of enduring quotes. These quotes, which grew in depth and meaning over time, gave longtime fans chills and encapsulated Rick's journey from salvation to damnation and back. His evolution was driven by trauma, chaos, and violence.
After 11 seasons and over a decade on air, The Walking Dead finally concluded. In a surprising twist, the closing sequence brought the return of Andrew Lincoln as Rick Grimes, setting the stage for his spinoff series alongside Danai Gurira as Michonne. While some of Rick's best quotes may ultimately be associated with the spinoff, there is no denying that his lines from The Walking Dead will continue to haunt fans for years to come.
25. "At Least Have The Balls To Call This What It Is: Murder."
2x12: "Better Angels"
In the initial installment of The Walking Dead, Rick Grimes emerges from a coma and embarks on a quest to locate his spouse, son, and closest companion amidst a zombie apocalypse. During the majority of those initial two seasons, Rick embodied virtuousness and established guidelines distinguishing between murder and other acts. Tragically, he also found himself confronted by Shane, his former ally, who fell for Rick's wife Lori and assumed a leadership role, posing a threat to Rick. Eventually, Shane endeavored to eliminate Rick, and this particular instance represents Rick's ethical principles, which underwent a drastic transformation in the years that followed this impactful event where Rick was compelled to eliminate Shane.
24. "Either Way, I Don't Pretend To Be A Governor."
3x13: "Arrow on the Doorpost"
One of the recurring themes in The Walking Dead revolves around depicting Rick Grimes as a leader and then juxtaposing him with other leaders they come across. Regardless of the reprehensible and wicked actions Rick may take towards outsiders, he still emerges as the righteous one when compared to his counterparts. Whether we consider Negan, the Commonwealth, or even Deanna in The Commonwealth, Rick proves to be the most capable candidate for guiding and safeguarding the people. An initial significant comparison occurred when Rick encountered The Governor in Woodbury. The two engaged in a dialogue, exchanging views on morals and leadership, and it was during this interaction that Rick delivered a poignant quote to highlight their contrasting approaches.
23. "I Killed My Best Friend For You People, For Christ's Sake."
2x13: "Beside The Dying Fire"
In The Walking Dead, Rick Grimes was responsible for numerous questionable actions. While some of these were justified by the need for survival or the well-being of the group, one incident was solely an act of self-defense. He eliminated individuals for both unwarranted motives (like Negan's sleepers) and valid causes (such as the cannibalistic inhabitants of Terminus). However, it was the murder of his closest ally, Shane, that transformed Rick into a person who would not hesitate to take a life when necessary. When his leadership was challenged by others in the camp, Rick's emotional breakdown revealed that he had killed his best friend in order to safeguard everyone. This marked the beginning of a dark and treacherous path for the former police officer.
22. "I'm Gonna Make It Real, Carl."
8x9: "Honor"
Rick Grimes had ambitious plans for the future alongside his son Carl. Despite losing his wife, Rick found solace in the companionship of fellow survivors, creating a surrogate family. However, it was Carl and young Judith who held the true meaning of family for Rick. His ultimate aspiration was to build a safer world for his children to flourish in, a feat he accomplished in the comics with Carl enjoying a lengthy existence. Regrettably, the TV show took a different path, and Carl's life was tragically cut short before witnessing the realization of their shared dream. Hovering on the brink of death, Carl pleaded with his father to abandon his violent ways and reminded him of the future they had envisioned. It was at this heart-wrenching moment that Rick succumbed to overwhelming despair and made a heartfelt promise, stating,
"I'm gonna make it real, Carl. I promise."
21. "They're Fu**ing With The Wrong People."
4x16: "A"
In the fourth season of The Walking Dead, Rick and the other survivors found themselves captured by the cannibals from Terminus, leading Rick to reach his breaking point. Despite engaging in a gunfight with Gareth, the survivors were at a disadvantage as Gareth's snipers surrounded them, leaving them with no escape. Ultimately, they were forced to surrender and were confined in a boxcar. It was during this tense moment that Rick uttered one of the most memorable quotes in the entire series, stating, "They're gonna feel pretty stupid when they find out." When Abraham inquired about Rick's meaning, he simply responded, "They're messing with the wrong people." Subsequently, what unfolded were some of Rick's most brutal and horrifying kills.
20. "How You Live, How You Die... It Isn't Up To Me..."
3x15: "This Sorrowful Life"
I have no control over how you live or die. I am not your Governor.
In the early seasons of The Walking Dead, character development played a crucial role in shaping the future episodes. After the destruction of Hershel's farm, Rick emphasized the need for unwavering obedience to his leadership from the other survivors who wished to remain part of his group. Season 3 introduced the Governor, a highly treacherous antagonist, highlighting his emergence as one of the most dangerous villains in The Walking Dead. This quote from Rick Grimes signifies a significant shift in his previous tyrannical demeanor, acknowledging the Governor directly.
19. "I'm Not The Good Guy Anymore."
2x10: "18 Miles Away"
In The Walking Dead season 2, Shane (Jon Bernthal) criticized Rick for attempting to maintain his morality while also striving to survive - a feat Shane deemed impossible. In response, Rick delivered a profound quote that suggested he was undergoing a transformative change, albeit not necessarily for the better. While fans witnessed Shane's descent into darkness, Rick was already veering down a parallel path. As Shane met his demise and the survivors dispersed, Rick grew disillusioned, exasperated, and plagued by paranoia. Gradually, he began transitioning from hero to villain, burdened by the psychological complexities that accompany such a shift.
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18. "I Try Not To Mix It Up With The Almighty Anymore."
2x04: "Cherokee Rose"
Last time I requested a favor from God and paused to appreciate a scene, my son was shot. I now make a conscious effort to avoid intertwining it with the divine power.
In Season 2, The Walking Dead presented new obstacles, dangers, and heart-wrenching situations, one of which involved Rick's young son, Carl, accidentally being shot while in the forest. Carl's life hung in the balance for some time, but he eventually managed to survive and make a recovery. The incident left Rick utterly devastated and altered his perception of religious faith. He had grown accustomed to praying for positive outcomes, only to experience tragic circumstances unfold simultaneously. This impactful quote from Rick Grimes encapsulates this transformative experience.
17. "Rest In Peace. Now, Get Up, And Go To War."
5x10: "Them"
During season 5, amidst a fierce storm, Rick and his group sought refuge in a barn. It was here that Rick recounted a poignant story about his World War II veteran grandfather. The purpose of this anecdote was to illustrate to the survivors that succumbing to the fear of death would only bring about its own fulfillment. Rick imparted his grandfather's wisdom with a memorable quote, "And then after a few years of pretending he was dead, he made it out alive." Interestingly, this sentiment would find echoes in subsequent seasons featuring the Whisperers, who shared a similar perspective albeit with a markedly different approach.
16. "That's What I'm Gonna' Use To Kill You."
5x01: "No Sanctuary"
"There's a compound bow and a machete with a red handle. That's what I'm gonna use to kill you."
When the group reached Terminus, they were not prepared for the astonishing reception they received. Little did they know, Terminus was a community that resorted to cannibalism to sustain themselves, and they seemed disturbingly at ease with their gruesome practices. Gareth, their leader portrayed by Andrew J. West, eagerly sought to obtain a bag of guns belonging to Rick's group. In response, Rick offered to take him to the forest and reveal their location. As he agreed, Rick concluded their conversation with a chilling statement, showcasing his unwavering calmness and confidence.
15. "I'm Sorry This Happened To You."
1x01: "Days Gone Bye"
Before walkers became commonplace in The Walking Dead, the show used them to depict the possible fates of these once-human beings. One of the initial walkers ever featured on the show was a woman separated at the waist, whom Rick encountered in the opening episode. In a gesture of empathy, he would later revisit this undead creature and utter the following quote. This sentiment would quickly diminish as Rick grew to despise the undead for the suffering and chaos they caused. Nonetheless, this Rick Grimes quote remains emblematic of his inherent goodness.
14. "You Don't Know What It's Like Out There."
5x12: "Remember"
"You may think you understand what it's like out there, but you truly have no idea."
13. "We Don't Kill The Living."
1x05: "Wildfire"
The Walking Dead primarily focused on the development of Rick Grimes. A crucial aspect was Rick's transformation from a law-abiding sheriff's deputy to a volatile and unpredictable killing machine within a few seasons. As he embarked on numerous murderous rampages and made several questionable choices, there were instances when viewers were reminded of his previous sentiment, illustrated in this Rick Grimes quote. While killing fellow humans was a regrettable action, it became imperative for the characters' survival on certain occasions. Sadly, as time progressed, it became increasingly effortless for Rick.
12. "I Don't Take Chances Anymore."
6x15: "East"
When Rick first emerged from the hospital and into a world infested with zombies, he made an effort to preserve his civility and compassion. He believed that these qualities were essential in a chaotic world. However, his kindness proved to be a weakness, leaving his group vulnerable on multiple occasions. After enduring betrayal and losing loved ones, Rick's perspective began to change. He became less forgiving, especially towards those outside his group. This quote from Rick Grimes, a tormented character, carries immense power and believability.
11. "Starting Right Now, We Have To Live In The Real World!"
5x15: "Try"
In Season 5 of The Walking Dead, Rick experienced one of his most memorable emotional breakdowns shortly after arriving in Alexandria with his group. During this time, he was confronted by an abusive man who had been tormenting his wife and children. Rick finally reached his breaking point and engaged in a physical altercation with Pete in the streets of Alexandria, tarnishing his reputation within the community. It was only after Michonne intervened and forced Rick out that his destructive behavior was halted before it escalated too far. Rick was on a dangerous path of self-destruction, and without someone like Michonne to bring him back to reality, he could have become a character resembling Negan.
10. "No More Kid Stuff."
2x12: "Better Angels"
The apocalypse was a major adjustment for Carl Grimes (Chandler Riggs). He quickly realized that this harsh new world required him to mature. In season 2, Rick had a serious conversation with Carl that would resonate with him months later when he had to make the difficult choice of ending his own mother's life. Rick's harsh but necessary dose of reality made it clear that childish things were no longer an option. Carl longed for a normal childhood, but he knew that was impossible now. Death was inevitable, and no amount of preparation could truly ready him for it. Despite his efforts, the weight of this truth was unbearable.
9. "I'm Doing Stuff, Lori... Things. Isn't That Enough?"
3x01: "Seed"
After a challenging winter spent trying to survive in the wilderness following the collapse of the farm, it became evident that Lori (Sarah Wayne Callies) and Rick's marriage was on the verge of falling apart. Amidst the daily struggles of staying alive, Rick lashed out at Lori with the following words. This outburst followed the realization that Lori had been intimate with Shane, which ultimately led to his demise and further drove a wedge between Rick and Lori. Also, Rick's increasingly authoritarian behavior towards the group only served to isolate him and worsen their relationship.
8. "I'm Gonna Kill You..."
7x01: "The Day Will Come When You Won't Be"
"I'm gonna kill you. Not today, not tomorrow. But I'm gonna kill you."
After witnessing Negan's brutal act of beating two of his friends to death right before his eyes, Rick was left traumatized. Negan had successfully made his point, going to extreme lengths to drive it home. However, despite the horrifying encounter, Rick defiantly whispered this quote to Negan, serving as a warning of the consequences to follow. Negan attempted to intimidate Rick into submission, but instead, it only strengthened his determination.
7. "This Isn't A Democracy Anymore."
2x13: "Beside The Dying Fire"
Some individuals, driven by the belief that they know what is best for those under their care, transmute into tyrants and dictators. The corrupting influence of power manifests swiftly and effortlessly, as was the case with Rick. Following the tragic events of season 2, Rick's character underwent a profound transformation, delving into a notably darker realm. At the conclusion of the season, this iconic quote from Rick Grimes epitomized his intention to dictate the course of affairs moving forward. While those who desired to depart were granted the freedom to do so, those who remained would be bound by Rick's regulations. Regrettably, this approach ultimately estranged a significant segment of the group and proved to be detrimental for Rick himself.
6. "I Got A Call."
3x05: "Hounded"
Still grieving over Lori's untimely demise, Rick found it increasingly difficult to navigate through his sorrow. He began experiencing auditory hallucinations, hearing the sound of a ringing phone at regular intervals. While the audience suspected that Rick's grip on reality may be slipping, he clung onto a glimmer of hope that there would be someone on the other end of the line. Rick engaged in conversations with several imaginary callers, who were eventually unveiled as characters from season 1 who met their demise: Amy, Jacqui, and Jim. Eventually, he had a chilling conversation with the recently departed Lori. In the midst of this unsettling encounter, Hershel stumbled upon Rick anxiously waiting by the phone, murmuring the following quote.
Editor's P/S
Rick Grimes, the main character of AMC's The Walking Dead, is a complex and fascinating figure. His journey from a small-town sheriff to a hardened survivor is one of the most compelling arcs in television history. Along the way, he has uttered some of the most memorable and chilling quotes in the show's history.
One of my favorite Rick Grimes quotes is, "We are the walking dead." This quote, spoken in the show's first season, perfectly encapsulates the bleak and hopeless world that Rick and the other survivors find themselves in. It is a reminder that in this new world, there is no safety, no security, and no hope. The only thing that matters is survival.
Another one of my favorite Rick Grimes quotes is, "You're still my brother." This quote, spoken to Shane Walsh in the show's second season, is a powerful reminder of the bond between Rick and Shane, even after everything that has happened. It is a reminder that even in the darkest of times, there is still hope for redemption.