Capcom Unveils Plans for Next-Generation Version of RE Engine

Capcom Unveils Plans for Next-Generation Version of RE Engine

Capcom is revamping its RE Engine for next-gen, tackling existing issues head-on The company's dedicated efforts aim to enhance performance and deliver an upgraded gaming experience


Capcom is developing an upgraded version of its RE Engine for future games, aiming for a more capable and efficient engine.

The upcoming RE Engine, known as REX, aims to resolve operational issues and enhance game-specific customization and asset management. It will incorporate existing features while incorporating advanced technologies, with a phased introduction approach instead of starting from scratch.

Capcom is currently working on an enhanced version of its exclusive RE Engine, which will be utilized in its upcoming and future games. According to Capcom, the next iteration of the RE Engine will surpass its predecessor in terms of capabilities and efficiency.

For quite some time, the RE Engine has been the game engine of choice for Capcom. The game developer began creating its proprietary engine in April 2014 and showcased its capabilities with the successful release of Resident Evil 7: Biohazard in 2017. Since then, Capcom has utilized the RE Engine in their other games, including Monster Hunter Rise, Devil May Cry 5, and most recently, Street Fighter 6 and the Resident Evil 4 remake. However, after six years of service, this powerful and adaptable engine may be starting to show its age. Consequently, Capcom may soon require a more advanced and efficient engine for their future games.

Capcom recently announced that it is developing a next-generation version of the RE Engine, referred to as the REX Engine. In a presentation aimed at developers, Capcom shared that the REX Engine will address the issues encountered during the operation of the RE Engine. The REX Engine will offer a greater level of customization for each game and improved efficiency in handling large-size assets. It will also provide enhanced documentation, samples, tutorials, and support for multiple languages to assist Capcom's overseas subcontractors. Additionally, the REX Engine will retain the features of the RE Engine while incorporating support for eight new technologies. Capcom plans to introduce the REX Engine in phases, elevating the RE Engine to the next-generation level. While details about the technologies of the REX Engine were not shared during this presentation, Capcom assured that they will provide further information at a later date.

Capcom's recent presentation disclosed that it will take a while before the game developer launches a game utilizing the new REX Engine. Dragon's Dogma 2 and a rumored new Monster Hunter game, set to possibly release in 2024, will soon demonstrate the capacities of the RE Engine. Whether the REX Engine addresses the issues that gamers have observed in Capcom's games since 2017 remains uncertain, only time will reveal.