Cancer Research UK's Reinvigorated Brand: Amplifying the Power of its Life-Saving Impact

Cancer Research UK's Reinvigorated Brand: Amplifying the Power of its Life-Saving Impact

Cancer Research UK revamps its brand to effectively showcase the significant impact of its work Philip Almond, the charity's top marketer, emphasizes the importance of strategic marketing investments that deliver maximum value for money

Cancer Research UK has refreshed its brand as it looks to emphasise the impact its work has on cancer patients’ lives rather than just the science.

The charity has revised its strapline to better align with its progress in fighting cancer, replacing it with 'Together we are beating cancer'. Today (1 September), CRUK will unveil a new campaign called 'We Are', created in collaboration with Anomaly London. This campaign emphasizes the moments that cancer patients and survivors have been able to enjoy, thanks to the advancements made by scientists in combating cancer.

Philip Almond, executive director of marketing, fundraising, and engagement at Cancer Research UK, emphasizes the importance of people being able to connect with the impact of cancer research. According to Almond, individuals want to see the tangible effects it has on people, particularly those they know who have been affected by cancer. The reason individuals choose to donate to Cancer Research is not simply to support scientific advancements, but because they understand the potential life-saving outcomes for cancer patients that research can bring.

Our primary focus is to narrate the narrative of our efforts and endeavors, aiming to create an impact, through a compelling 30-second campaign video showcasing relatable moments encountered by cancer survivors, ranging from marriage to cherished moments with their children.

Philip Almond, Cancer Research

In addition, the campaign will highlight the advancements made by Cancer Research scientists in the fight against cancer, including the groundbreaking contributions of radiotherapy and the identification of various subcategories of breast cancer. These accomplishments offer more effective strategies for combating the disease.

Almond highlights that cancer survival rates in the UK have doubled over the past 50 years due to advancements in cancer research. This means that over half a million deaths have been prevented since the mid-1980s.

The change in the strapline, from 'Together we will...' to 'Together we are...', aims to more accurately represent the progress made by the charity. It transforms the strapline from a mere promise of potential achievements to symbolizing the ongoing journey of cancer researchers in overcoming the disease.

The charity discovered that the previous slogan was misleading some individuals to believe that there was a single cure-all solution for all forms of cancer. With over 200 different types of cancer, each patient's treatment journey is unique and intricate. Through research, the charity found that people didn't feel the old slogan accurately depicted their personal experience with treatment.

Furthermore, the charity's rebranding adopts a more optimistic attitude, aiming to strike a balance between acknowledging the challenging aspects of cancer while also instilling hope in people.

Telling the story during tough times

Amidst the ongoing cost of living crisis in the UK, Cancer Research is initiating this initiative. As essential items become more expensive, individuals will have a reduced amount of disposable income, potentially making it more challenging for them to contribute to charitable causes.

According to a March poll conducted by the Charities Aid Foundation, 14% of individuals expressed their intention to reduce their charitable contributions within the next year.

Notably, Cancer Research seems to demonstrate some resistance to this trend, as the organization revealed a £51 million increase in its income for the 2022/23 fiscal year compared to the previous year. This success is credited to the influence of legacy donations, as well as the healthy performance of Cancer Research UK's 'Bowelbabe' fund established by Deborah James and its thriving retail stores.

We know how much we need to spend and not a penny more.

Philip Almond, Cancer Research

Despite this impressive performance, Almond acknowledges that a considerable number of individuals are carefully evaluating their expenses and are keen to contribute to charities that can truly make a difference.

By investing in this endeavor, Cancer Research is able to communicate its impact in a more compelling manner.

Almond emphasizes that the main focus of our investment is to effectively communicate the narrative of our work, our objectives, and the impact we strive to achieve. This becomes especially crucial during challenging periods.

In the previous year, 82p of every donated pound was allocated directly towards cancer research by the charity. Almond affirms that the organization is devoted to minimizing expenses, with everyone committed to maximizing funds dedicated to research.

The charity maintains a rigorous stance towards its marketing investment and its efficacy, aiming to effectively communicate its story to the public without excessively diverting funds from research. Almond emphasizes that the organization conducts meticulous analysis of its expenditure, utilizing econometric models.

He concludes by stating that we are well aware of our spending limits and will not exceed them. We are also diligent in assessing the outcomes of our actions and closely scrutinize every expenditure to ensure that we are obtaining the greatest value for our money.