Bryan Cranston Slams Controversial Lex Luthor Casting

Bryan Cranston Slams Controversial Lex Luthor Casting

Bryan Cranston disapproves of the fancasting choice for Lex Luthor, highlighting the challenges in finding the right actor for the iconic role

Bryan Cranston, known for his role in Breaking Bad, has expressed criticism towards fans who envision him as Lex Luthor in the DC Universe. Despite James Gunn's upcoming Superman: Legacy introducing a new actor for the iconic role, fans have persistently requested Cranston for the part. However, Cranston appears to disapprove of the idea, considering it as "lazy casting."

Cranston gained widespread recognition through his portrayal of Walter White in Breaking Bad. One distinguishing feature of his character was his bald head, which led to lazy fan casting suggestions of him as Lex Luthor. However, Cranston believes that such casting choices lacked careful consideration. He humorously suggested the existence of a website called "" to highlight such hasty decisions.

Why Lex Luthor Is So Hard To Cast

Bryan Cranston Slams Controversial Lex Luthor Casting

Lex Luthor, the nemesis of Superman, is a highly intricate character. His true thoughts and intentions are always concealed, adding to his formidable nature as a threat to any DC superhero. Luthor's enigmatic nature is crucial to his persona, as he is renowned for his meticulously calculated plots, fueled by his vast wealth and extraordinary intellect.

Regrettably, the accurate portrayal of Lex Luthor from the comic books has been infrequent on both the big and small screens. This lack of representation underscores the challenges in casting the character. While Cranston has proven his ability to deliver a nuanced performance that could suit the complexities of Luthor, he rightly points out that it would be lazy casting to merely consider someone who physically resembles the role. The multifaceted nature of Lex Luthor calls for a specific type of performance to truly capture the essence of the character.

Gunn's critique of Gene Hackman's portrayal of Lex Luthor in the Richard Donner Superman films perfectly captures the issue. The writer/director of Superman: Legacy believes that Hackman's performance was too campy for the character. According to Gunn, Lex Luthor should be played by an actor who can bring a sense of seriousness and composure to the role, while maintaining a sarcastic undertone in their delivery. This is important because Lex Luthor needs to be able to intimidate Superman without relying on physical presence. Only a select few actors have the ability to achieve this.