Breathtaking Starfield Encounter: Level 98 Pirate bestows Unbelievable Legendary Rifle upon Lucky Player!

Breathtaking Starfield Encounter: Level 98 Pirate bestows Unbelievable Legendary Rifle upon Lucky Player!

A skilled Starfield player triumphs over a formidable level 98 pirate in an exhilarating encounter, reaping the rewards of a mighty Legendary Rifle as a thrilling spoils of victory


In Starfield, players can sometimes find powerful weapons in unexpected places, like a level 32 player who obtained a legendary rifle from a level 98 pirate.

The rifle offers impressive benefits such as the Instigating effect, which inflicts double damage on targets with full health. Additionally, it is equipped with both Incendiary and Elemental attributes, enabling the rifle to inflict Incendiary, Corrosive, Radiation, and Poison damage.

Despite receiving criticism for its procedural generation, the game's randomness facilitates exhilarating moments of unexpected good fortune.

In Starfield, a player achieved the impressive feat of acquiring a remarkable rifle from a level 98 pirate while their character was only at level 32. While the majority of the best weapons in Starfield are typically rewarded through specific quests, there are occasions when players can stumble upon exceptional loot in unexpected places.

Despite the undeniable success of the game, both players and critics frequently criticize Starfield for its procedural generation aspects. The game features numerous randomly generated outposts with generic enemies, as well as expansive, empty landscapes that occasionally lack uniqueness. However, it is precisely because of the game's random universe that truly incredible moments can occur.

One of these moments occurred when JaykDoe, a Starfield player, achieved a remarkable feat at level 32 by obtaining a powerful Legendary Rifle. While exploring a Level 75 moon, they unexpectedly encountered a formidable Level 98 pirate but managed to emerge victorious despite the level disparity. The reward for their triumph was an Elemental Advanced Hard Target Legendary Rifle with a Physical damage stat of 297, valued at 58599 credits. This rifle boasted three perks, namely Instigating, Incendiary, and Elemental, enhancing its lethality. The Instigating perk, for instance, doubled the inflicted damage on opponents with full health, while the others bestowed the rifle with the capability to randomly unleash Incendiary, Corrosive, Radiation, and Poison damage.

Furthermore, JaykDoe divulged their method of effortlessly conquering high-level adversaries, even while playing on Very Hard difficulty. They commenced their gameplay by prioritizing the development of weapon engineering skills and obtained an advanced AA-99 by Level 10. Shortly thereafter, they customized an Advanced Beowolf weapon with the Instigating perk, resulting in a stealth sniper build. Armed with a rifle that delivered over 450 DPS (thanks to the perk and modifications), they proved capable of triumphing over nearly all enemies as long as they remained in stealth. To encounter high-level adversaries, players merely need to seek out the most challenging star systems within Starfield, where Level 70 to 75 systems can harbor foes like the Level 98 pirate.

JaykDoe was fortunate to come across this rifle, but the procedural generation in Starfield occasionally leads to strange occurrences. Just recently, a fellow player obtained an Osmium Dagger equipped with the Extended Magazine perk. However, this perk, which doubles a weapon's bullet capacity, is completely useless for a knife. Although not particularly practical in the world of Starfield, this amusing situation did make for a great post on social media. Starfield can be enjoyed on both PC and Xbox Series X/S platforms.