Breakthrough in Understanding the Enigma of the Sun's Magnetic Field

Breakthrough in Understanding the Enigma of the Sun's Magnetic Field

For years, scientists have been intrigued by the enigmatic nature of the sun's magnetic field. Recent research indicates that the origin of this magnetic field may be closer to the sun's surface than previously believed, marking a significant step forward in unraveling this celestial mystery.

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Learn about the sun's powerful magnetic field that creates sunspots on its surface and unleashes solar storms, like the one that recently caused beautiful auroras on Earth.

A mystery that has puzzled astronomers for centuries is how the magnetic field inside the sun is generated. This mystery dates back to the time of Italian astronomer Galileo in the early 1600s, who first observed sunspots and noted their changes over time.

In a recent report published in the journal Nature on Wednesday, researchers from various fields have proposed a new theory. Unlike previous studies that suggested the sun's magnetic field comes from deep within the sun, these researchers believe the source is actually much closer to the surface.

In an artist's illustration, the black hole pulls material from a companion star towards, forming a disc that rotates around the black hole before falling into it.

In an artist's illustration, the black hole pulls material from a companion star towards, forming a disc that rotates around the black hole before falling into it.

In an artist's illustration, the black hole pulls material from a companion star towards, forming a disc that rotates around the black hole before falling into it.


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A recent study has confirmed the existence of a 'plunging region' in black holes, just as predicted by Einstein. This discovery could provide valuable insights into the 11-year solar cycle and enhance our ability to forecast space weather. Space weather disturbances can impact GPS and communication satellites, as well as create stunning auroras in the night sky.

Daniel Lecoanet, an assistant professor at Northwestern University’s McCormick School of Engineering, has put forth a new hypothesis on how the sun’s magnetic field is generated. This new hypothesis is based on solar observations and aims to improve predictions of solar activity.

The goal is to predict whether the next solar cycle will be stronger or weaker than usual. Previous models, which assumed that the solar magnetic field originates deep within the Sun, have not been successful in accurately forecasting solar activity.

Sunspots are crucial for scientists to monitor the sun's activity. They serve as the starting point for powerful flares and ejections that emit light, solar material, and energy into space. The recent solar storm indicates that the sun is nearing its peak activity, known as "solar maximum," which occurs every 11 years.

According to Lecoanet, the number of sunspots is believed to correspond with the strength of the Sun's magnetic field. This 11-year cycle of sunspots is thought to mirror fluctuations in the Sun's interior magnetic field.

This view of the sun's magnetic field was generated by NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory.

This view of the sun's magnetic field was generated by NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory.

This view of the sun's magnetic field was generated by NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory.

NASA/GSFC/Solar Dynamics Observa

Modeling the sun’s magnetic field

It's not easy to observe the sun's magnetic field lines, which create a complex network of magnetic structures in the solar atmosphere. This network is much more intricate than Earth's magnetic field. Scientists rely on mathematical models to understand the workings of the sun's magnetic field.

In a groundbreaking achievement in the scientific community, Lecoanet and his team created a model that considers a phenomenon known as torsional oscillation. These are flows of gas and plasma driven by magnetism within and around the sun, playing a role in the formation of sunspots.

In certain regions, the rotation of the solar feature can either accelerate or decelerate, while in other areas it stays constant. Similar to the 11-year solar magnetic cycle, torsional oscillations also follow an 11-year cycle.

"Solar observations have provided valuable insights into the movement of material within the Sun. In our supercomputing calculations, we utilized equations to analyze the changes in the Sun's magnetic field resulting from the observed motions," explained Lecoanet.

“No one had done this calculation before because no one knew how to efficiently perform the calculation,” he added.

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Northern Lights witnessed over the Chicago skyline as seen from the city's museum campus" - Chicago, IL, Saturday, May 11th, 2024.

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Auroras light up the sky during a rare solar storm in stunning pictures. The group's calculations revealed that magnetic fields can be created approximately 20,000 miles (32,100 kilometers) below the sun's surface. This is much closer to the surface than what was previously believed. Other models had indicated a much deeper location, around 130,000 miles (209,200 kilometers).

“Our new hypothesis provides a natural explanation for the torsional oscillations that is missing from previous models,” Lecoanet said.

‘Astrophysical enigma’

An important breakthrough was made by developing new numerical algorithms for carrying out calculations, according to Lecoanet. The idea was originally proposed by Geoff Vasil, a professor at the University of Edinburgh in the United Kingdom, around 20 years ago. However, it took more than 10 years to finalize the algorithms and necessitated the use of a powerful NASA supercomputer to run the simulations.

Lecoanet mentioned, "We utilized approximately 15 million CPU-hours for this study." To put it into perspective, he added, "If I had attempted to perform the calculations on my laptop, it would have taken me approximately 450 years."

In a commentary published alongside the study, Ellen Zweibel, a professor of astronomy and physics at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, shared her thoughts on the initial results. She mentioned that the findings were intriguing and would be valuable for shaping future models and research. Zweibel clarified that she was not part of the study team.

Zweibel also noted that the team had introduced a "provocative ingredient" to the theoretical framework. This addition could potentially play a crucial role in solving the astrophysical mystery at hand.

Editor's P/S:

The recent discovery of a new theory regarding the generation of the sun's magnetic field has sparked intrigue and excitement within the scientific community. This new hypothesis, proposed by researchers from various fields, suggests that the source of the magnetic field is much closer to the surface than previously believed. This finding challenges previous models that assumed the magnetic field originated deep within the sun.

The new theory, based on solar observations and supercomputing calculations, posits that the magnetic field is generated approximately 20,000 miles below the sun's surface. This location is significantly closer to the surface than the 130,000 miles previously estimated. The researchers believe that this new hypothesis will lead to more accurate predictions of solar activity, including the strength of the next solar cycle. The ability to forecast space weather disturbances, which can impact GPS and communication satellites, is crucial for mitigating potential disruptions.