Breaking the Tragic Trend: Freya Allan's Character in the New Planet Of The Apes Trilogy

Breaking the Tragic Trend: Freya Allan's Character in the New Planet Of The Apes Trilogy

Explore how Freya Allan's character in the upcoming Planet Of The Apes trilogy aims to defy expectations and pave a new path in the franchise.

The first installment of a new Planet of the Apes movie trilogy is Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes. This upcoming film must use Freya Allan's character to break a repetitive and tragic trend. Although the franchise is centered around the titular apes, human characters have always played a significant role in the movies, including Matt Reeves' trilogy. However, in recent installments, these human characters have been stuck in a repetitive and tragic cycle that needs to be addressed in Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes.

Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes is the highly-anticipated fourth film in the modern Planet of the Apes series, set in the same timeline as Reeves' trilogy. It takes place long after the death of Caesar and follows a new ape protagonist named Noa on a dangerous journey. Noa questions the relationship between ape and human society, leading to a revival of the series and paving the way for more Planet of the Apes movies in the future.

Planet Of The Apes' Human Lead Character Has Been Killed Off-Screen In 3 Straight Movies

Nova with the apes in War for the Planet of the Apes. - Planet Of The Apes' Human Lead Character Has Been Killed Off-Screen In 3 Straight Movies

Nova with the apes in War for the Planet of the Apes. - Planet Of The Apes' Human Lead Character Has Been Killed Off-Screen In 3 Straight Movies

One of the unfortunate aspects of the modern Planet of the Apes movies is that the main human character has met a tragic fate off-screen in three consecutive films. James Franco's Will Rodman was the original human protagonist in the series, responsible for inadvertently creating the Simian Flu that ultimately wiped out a large portion of humanity between the first and second movies. Rodman succumbed to the Simian Flu and passed away before the events of Dawn of the Planet of the Apes, thus not making a return after the initial film.

In the second film, Dawn of the Planet of the Apes, Jason Clarke's character, Malcolm, takes on the role of the human lead. Malcolm becomes the leader of a human group that forms an alliance with Caesar and the other apes. Despite being seen fleeing with his family at the end of Dawn of the Planet of the Apes, it is later revealed that Malcolm was killed off-screen by Woody Harrelson's character, The Colonel, the antagonist in War for the Planet of the Apes.

It is unlikely that Nova will make a comeback in Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes, as she has not been featured in any of the promotional materials. The last human protagonist in the modern Planet of the Apes series is Amiah Miller's character, Nova. She plays a young child infected with the Simian Flu who joins Caesar and the other apes in their journey. Unfortunately, it seems doubtful that Nova will return in the upcoming film. The change in setting for the new movie makes her appearance even more uncertain. Although there is no official confirmation, the significant time gap between the two films suggests that Nova may have passed away off-screen.

Kingdom Of The Planet Of The Apes Is Teasing How Special Freya Allan's Mae Is

Fraya Allan being chased by Proximus in Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes - Kingdom Of The Planet Of The Apes Is Teasing How Special Freya Allan's Mae Is

Fraya Allan being chased by Proximus in Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes - Kingdom Of The Planet Of The Apes Is Teasing How Special Freya Allan's Mae Is

Freya Allan stars as Mae, the new human lead in the upcoming film Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes. The trailers for the movie hint at Mae's special qualities. In the world of the film, a mutated version of the Simian Flu has turned most humans into feral beings. As a result, many humans have become slaves to different ape communities, with the apes viewing humans as a failed society of oppressors.

Mae's unique characteristics play a key role in the storyline, as Noa, a character in the film, rebels against ape society to protect Mae. The trailers show various apes on the hunt for Mae, highlighting the conflict between humans and apes in the movie.

Mae's Importance Means Freya Allan's Character Shouldn't Die In Or After Kingdom

In the Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes trailer, Mae's intelligence is highlighted as she outshines other humans, making her truly unique. This uniqueness plays a significant role in Noa rebelling against ape society, leading to various apes hunting Mae down. The reason for the apes' interest in Mae remains a mystery, but it clearly signifies the special nature of her character. This suggests that Freya Allan's role in the film will be crucial and pivotal throughout.

Noa angrily addresses another ape in Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes - Mae's Importance Means Freya Allan's Character Shouldn't Die In Or After Kingdom

Noa angrily addresses another ape in Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes - Mae's Importance Means Freya Allan's Character Shouldn't Die In Or After Kingdom

Mae is a crucial character in the upcoming film, so it wouldn't make sense for Freya Allan's character to die in or after Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes. In the past, human characters in the Planet of the Apes movies have always met unfortunate fates without any chance of returning in future sequels. Mae is being positioned as an even more significant character than any before, making it a shame to end her story prematurely in Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes.

Mae will play a significant role in the upcoming film by causing changes within ape society.

It would not be a good idea to kill off Mae off-screen, as this has already been done three times before. If Mae were to die between Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes and the second film in the new trilogy, it would feel like a repetitive and uninspired move. Given Mae's importance in shaking up ape society in the upcoming film, it would be a huge disservice to have her character killed off after Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes.

Planet Of The Apes' New Trilogy Would Benefit From Freya Allan Returning

Freya Allen as Mae in Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes - Planet Of The Apes' New Trilogy Would Benefit From Freya Allan Returning

Freya Allen as Mae in Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes - Planet Of The Apes' New Trilogy Would Benefit From Freya Allan Returning

The decision to spare Mae's life in Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes would benefit the new trilogy by bringing back Freya Allan. With humans taking a backseat in the story, focusing more on apes, it's important to have a main human character like Mae for audiences to connect with.

By keeping Mae in the story, there is a chance for her character to develop a relationship with Noa, adding depth to the themes of coexistence in Planet of the Apes. A strong bond between these two characters can demonstrate harmony between apes and humans, a message that would be lost if Mae is written off. Freya Allan's portrayal of Mae is a highlight of the film, making her return in future movies highly anticipated.

Editor's P/S:

The Planet of the Apes franchise has been a captivating exploration of the relationship between humans and apes. However, the recent trend of killing off the main human character off-screen has become repetitive and disheartening. Freya Allan's character, Mae, in Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes, presents an opportunity to break this cycle. Her unique intelligence and pivotal role in the story suggest that she should survive and continue to challenge the boundaries between humans and apes in future installments.

By sparing Mae's life, the new trilogy would gain a strong and relatable human character who can connect with audiences and facilitate deeper exploration of the themes of coexistence. Her return would allow for the development of a meaningful relationship with Noa, showcasing the potential for harmony between the two species. Freya Allan's captivating portrayal of Mae deserves to be continued, enriching the franchise with her presence and contributing to the evolving narrative of the Planet of the Apes.