Breaking News: From Software Unveils Sensational Double Game Release Post-Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice!

Breaking News: From Software Unveils Sensational Double Game Release Post-Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice!

From Software's president has confirmed that two exciting new game projects are in the works, set to release after the highly anticipated Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice Get ready for a thrilling double dose of gaming excellence from this renowned developer!

From Software president, Hidetaka Miyazaki, has recently disclosed that the developer is currently engaged in the development of two undisclosed games. The nature of these projects, whether they are sequels to existing series or the inception of completely new franchises, remains undisclosed.

Miyazaki made this revelation during an interview with, which was subsequently translated by Gematsu. "Although it is not the appropriate time to delve into specifics, both games will embody the distinctive characteristics and essence that are typically associated with From Software," stated Miyazaki. "While we require a bit more time, we will be able to divulge more information about them as they take form."

In June 2016, From Software announced their plans for new games in the future. The first release was Deracine, followed by the highly anticipated Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice. Based on the wording used to describe these new games, it can be assumed that the two unrevealed titles will have similar length and scope as Sekiro, rather than Deracine. It's important to note that Dark Souls Remastered and Metal Wolf Chaos XD were not part of this initial plan, as the unannounced games are entirely new titles and not remasters.

Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice, From Software's upcoming game, is set to release on Xbox One, PS4, and PC on March 22. This game is highly anticipated by Matt Espineli for 2019, mainly due to its unique setting and fast-paced gameplay mechanics. Unlike Dark Souls III and Bloodborne, which are set in medieval castles and Victorian catacombs respectively, Sekiro takes players to a steampunk feudal Japan. The combat in this game is even more intense and swift than From Software's previous Soulsborne games, resembling the challenging exchanges seen in the Tenchu franchise. For more details, you can find all the information we currently know about the game.