Breaking News: Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles Producer Teases Exciting New Game in the Series!

Breaking News: Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles Producer Teases Exciting New Game in the Series!

To commemorate the 20th anniversary of the beloved original game, the producer of Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles is eager to create an exciting new installment in the series Brace yourselves for a captivating journey back into the enchanting world of Crystal Chronicles!


Recently, an official post was shared to celebrate Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles' 20th anniversary.

The producer of the original Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles expressed his intention to develop a fresh installment in the series but mentioned that time constraints have prevented him from doing so. Meanwhile, the art director unveiled a new artwork featuring the game's characters, describing the experience as a joyful reunion with familiar faces.

The producer of the original Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles series has expressed interest in creating a new installment in the spin-off franchise. Originally released in the early 2000s for the Nintendo GameCube, the game offered a unique action RPG experience with a focus on cooperative play. Subsequent entries in the series were primarily launched on Nintendo consoles such as the DS and Wii. The most recent addition to this subseries was Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers, which debuted on the Wii in 2009.

Nearly fifteen years after its initial release on the GameCube, the original Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles received a remastered version for the Nintendo Switch and PS4. Additionally, a free-to-play version for mobile devices was released in 2020. This remaster featured enhanced graphics, re-recorded voice acting, and new features like cross-play and online multiplayer. Three years following the launch of the remaster, the game's producer took the opportunity to reflect on the series as it celebrated its twentieth anniversary.

Posted on the official Final Fantasy website, series producer Akitoshi Kawazu and series art director Toshiyuki Itahana celebrated the occasion by conveying messages to the fans. Kawazu expressed personal regret for not being able to offer a fresh installment of Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles, citing time constraints as the main obstacle preventing him from fulfilling his desired vision for the series. He conveyed his belief that the spin-off series' cast deserves another opportunity to shine, acknowledging his inability to provide them with a new adventure. Concluding his message, he expressed hope for the future, aspiring to create a new journey with the beloved characters.

Art director Itahana shared a captivating new illustration featuring a range of characters from Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles. The artwork depicted them walking along a picturesque beach, reveling in the delights of the summer season. Itahana mentioned that many of the characters he depicted had not been drawn by him in quite some time, and creating this illustration felt like reuniting with long-lost friends.

The most recent installment in this spin-off series is the mentioned remaster. Crystal Chronicles' remastered version received a mix of average reviews on consoles, despite having some additional enhancements. However, some fans had concerns about the new online multiplayer, as it introduced issues not seen in the original game. Furthermore, the absence of a local co-op option did not work in its favor. Nevertheless, it is hoped that Square Enix will grant the spin-off series another opportunity with a fresh, new game in the future.

You can now play Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles Remastered Edition on PS4, Switch, and Mobile Devices.