Breaking Boundaries: Famed Disney Channel Star Shares Brave Journey After Coming Out

Breaking Boundaries: Famed Disney Channel Star Shares Brave Journey After Coming Out

Former Disney Channel star's untold journey of coming out as queer sheds light on the industry's limitations and the need for greater inclusivity A captivating tale of resilience and the ongoing fight for acceptance

According to former Disney Channel star Alyson Stoner, they were terminated after publicly revealing their queerness. Stoner had been a notable presence on Disney, having appeared in various productions since the early 2000s, starting with Mike's Super Short Show. The talented artist went on to secure significant roles not only within Disney but also in other studios, including memorable performances in projects such as Cheaper by the Dozen, Step Up, The Suite Life of Zack & Cody, Phineas and Ferb, Camp Rock, and Young Justice.

During a recent interview on the I'm Literally Screaming with Specewuah podcast, Stoner shared that their disclosure of being queer was the catalyst for Disney's decision to sever ties. Referencing a quote from Stoner provided by Huffpost, their explanation sheds light on the incident.

I was ultimately dismissed from a children's show after they discovered that I was queer, as they believed it was unsafe for me to be around kids. This clearly indicates discrimination, however, the positive aspects far outweigh the negative hate comments and death threats. [After discussing with my managers and Kevin Jonas Sr.], he was understanding and supportive in helping me realize that there are risks involved in continuing this path. It's ultimately my decision, but it could potentially impact how people perceive me and my employability.

Surprisingly, the 29-year-old actor, who had gained attention through their prominent role with Disney, was quietly removed from the show. During that time, they were portraying the character of Lydia in the popular Disney animated series, Milo Murphy's Law, which concluded in 2019.

Disney Still Has A Long Way To Go

Breaking Boundaries: Famed Disney Channel Star Shares Brave Journey After Coming Out

Only four years have passed since Stoner supposedly got fired from the Disney Channel, indicating that there is still a need for Disney to improve LGBTQ+ representation. The fact that a well-known star asserts that they were considered "unsafe" around kids solely because of their queer identity is a significant concern that should be addressed internally. While Disney has been incorporating more gay characters in its films, it should not be exempt from criticism for its shortcomings.

As a prominent media entity, Disney has been grappling with the task of delivering meaningful LGBTQ+ representation for years. Its most recent attempt was featuring a same-sex kiss in Lightyear. Regrettably, this may not be a promising indicator for the future, as Lightyear turned out to be a major disappointment at the box office. If Disney's LGBTQ+ endeavors come to an end due to Lightyear's failure, it would be a truly disheartening outcome.

Disney has shown its willingness to oppose Florida governor and potential 2024 Presidential candidate Ron DeSantis' HB 1557, also referred to as the "Don't Say Gay" legislation. By standing up to a prominent politician in support of LGBTQ+ rights, the company has proven its potential to take a similar stance in the realm of entertainment. Stoner's narrative serves as a reminder that Disney and Disney Channel still have significant progress to make before they can be regarded as genuine allies.