Boyfriend, Boyfriend: An Explosive Endeavor

Boyfriend, Boyfriend: An Explosive Endeavor

Get ready for a whirlwind of emotions as Shino orchestrates a plan to create the perfect atmosphere for Naoya and Saki's unforgettable first kiss With the festival in full swing, their tunnel vision on each other intensifies, leading to a heart-stopping moment that demands your undivided attention Brace yourself for a captivating love story that will leave you breathless


Episode 3 of Girlfriend, Girlfriend leans into romance tropes at a fireworks festival, building significant moments for Shino and Milika.

During the festival, Naoya faces multiple interruptions while attempting to create a romantic moment with Saki. However, this adversity serves to boost Saki's self-assurance. As Shino grapples with her own emotions, her growing affection for Naoya becomes increasingly apparent as she tries to navigate the complexities of their relationship.

Spoilers ahead for Episode 3, "Pull Yourself Together!", of Girlfriend, Girlfriend Season 2. Stream it on Crunchyroll!

In this episode, Girlfriend, Girlfriend fully embraces the familiar romance genre tropes as it takes place during a captivating fireworks festival. Shino cleverly devises a plan to help Naoya and Saki find some much-needed alone time.

With its characteristic blend of chaos, Girlfriemd, Girlfriend persists in defying certain expectations while embracing familiar harem tropes. However, the true highlight lies in the way this episode unfolds, leading to pivotal moments for both Shino and Milika.

The Mood

Boyfriend, Boyfriend: An Explosive Endeavor

Saki Can't Get in the Mood – Girlfriend Girlfriend Season 2 Episode 3

Upon spotting a flyer for an upcoming fireworks festival, Shino believes it to be the perfect opportunity for Saki to deepen her relationship with Naoya. Engaging in a debrief-like conversation, Shino is taken aback when she discovers that Saki and Naoya have never shared a kiss before. Determined to help her friend, Shino encourages Saki to kiss Naoya, but Saki insists on waiting for the fireworks festival to set the mood. Feeling the pressure, Shino inquires about Saki's plan for the occasion. Naoya, ever devoted to his girlfriend, goes above and beyond to create a romantic atmosphere with candles and kabedon, but the presence of onlookers inhibits Saki's ability to fully immerse herself in the moment. Despite the support from Shino, Nagisa, and Naoya's efforts, Saki remains hesitant about kissing him there. However, the situation boosts her self-assurance, providing her with much-needed confidence.

Festival Time

Boyfriend, Boyfriend: An Explosive Endeavor

Girlfriend Girlfriend Season 2 Episode 3 Main Cast

In the evening, Saki, Nagisa, Shino, and Milika dress in yukata and prepare to go out. Shino grumbles about having to accompany them, but Saki insists, and Milika does what she does best – gatecrashing. Upon seeing his girlfriends, Naoya cannot help but shower them with compliments, even Shino. Humorously, when Milika tries to flaunt her outfit, convinced that she is the most beautiful one there, Naoya rejects her completely.

This becomes a prominent aspect of the episode's essence. At the festival, Naoya and his girlfriends spend their money on various snacks that Saki devours quickly. However, when Milika presents Naoya with a chocolate banana, knowing his fondness for bananas, she is once again turned down – yet this doesn't deter her. Upon realizing that she still has numerous festival videos to record, Milika momentarily leaves the group alone. Nagisa, on the other hand, is more interested in activities such as catching goldfish, which she considers her specialty.

Naoya's excitement over Nagisa's skill creates a meaningful moment between them. However, Officer Shino, who is on patrol, interrupts Nagisa's progress by attempting to pull her away from Naoya. In doing so, Shino becomes tangled in Girlfriend, Girlfriend's less favorable aspect: the "accidental perv" trope. This trope has resulted in Shino finding herself in numerous uncomfortable situations solely for fan service.

These moments aim to convey the notion that Shino's efforts to bring Saki closer to Naoya and separate him from Nagisa actually bring her closer to Naoya due to her obsession with the situation. While the use of this trope is unnecessary and the connection between it and Shino's predicament is awkward, certain parts of the episode present Shino's internal struggle and burgeoning emotions more effectively.

Tunnel Vision

Boyfriend, Boyfriend: An Explosive Endeavor

Shino Implores Naoya – Girlfriend Girlfriend Season 2 Episode 3

Saki and Nagisa spend quality time together while Naoya and Shino engage in conversation. When Shino is asked about her food preference, she requests Naoya to divert his attention from her and focus on ensuring a smooth situation with Saki. Shino struggles to comprehend how Naoya can justify dating another girl and even allowing her to kiss him, considering that Saki has been in the picture for a longer period of time. Shino firmly believes that Saki is not genuinely fine with the current arrangement, hence Naoya should solely concentrate on her to compensate for it. Shino's personal interest in this relationship arises from her own growing affection for Naoya, which she has set aside in order to support his love for Saki. The presence of Nagisa makes it challenging for Shino to move forward since she shares the same predicament.

Shino advises Naoya not to only refrain from looking at other girls, but it's evident that she also includes herself, as Naoya has previously mentioned her attractiveness. The camera focuses on the strain in her facial expression, highlighted by the festival lanterns casting a glimmer in her softened eyes. She displays a prickly demeanor towards everyone, but there are instances where her love for Naoya becomes apparent. Just before the fireworks display begins, Naoya and Shino realize that they have become separated from the rest of the group and are unable to reach them through their cellphones. To worsen the situation, Naoya discovers a lost girl whom he intends to safely reunite with her friends, but Shino experiences a common festival mishap - a broken geta strap.

Look At Me

Boyfriend, Boyfriend: An Explosive Endeavor

Milika Gets Her Attention – Girlfriend Girlfriend Season 2 Episode 3

Naoya swiftly carries both of them as he dashes through the festival, and despite Shino's insistence to let go and search for Saki, he adamantly refuses. Naoya's kindness perplexes Shino, as he demonstrates thoughtfulness while simultaneously disregarding the consequences. He clarifies that he prefers to hurt her with honesty rather than conceal the truth about his feelings. After leaving a tearful Shino in the care of the first aid station, Naoya hastily embarks on a quest to find his girlfriend, only to be intercepted by Milika. She fervently demands his attention and proceeds to inform him about the camping videos she has been producing, inviting him to join her along with the others. Naoya discloses that he no longer watches her videos, which deeply saddens her, yet she rejoices at the small victory when he explains his inability to allow himself to fall in love with her. With the gradual development centered around Shino leading up to Milika, episode 3 of Girlfriend, Girlfriend 2 effectively lays the groundwork for the forthcoming episode.