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The Untold Fantasy Tale: The Eyes of the Dragon

Exploring Stephen King's only pure fantasy novel and its potential as a Game of Thrones replacement.

Stephen King's Praise for Fargo Season 5's Performances

A look at Stephen King's admiration for the acting performances in Fargo season 5 and the connections to his previous works and adaptations.

The Unexplored World of Epic Fantasy: The Eyes of the Dragon

Exploring the potential of Stephen King's The Eyes of the Dragon as a captivating TV or movie adaptation.

The Impact of 1408: How Mike Flanagan Found His Path as a Horror Director

Exploring the influence of Stephen King's 1408 on Mike Flanagan's journey as a horror director and the creative inspiration it provided.

Under the Dome: Unveiling the Mystery Behind Its Abrupt Ending

A deep dive into the untold reasons behind the unexpected conclusion of the popular series Under the Dome.

10 Unadapted Stephen King Stories That Deserve Their Own Movies

Stephen King's short stories have been the source of many great movie adaptations, but there are still several stories that are waiting for their turn on the big screen. Here are 10 unadapted Stephen...

Unforgettable Casting What-Ifs in Stephen King Film Adaptations

Stephen King's film adaptations have seen some remarkable casting choices, but what if certain actors had landed the roles? Here are some fascinating what-ifs in the casting of Stephen King's iconic f...

The Unlikely Horror Role John Candy Almost Played

A look into the surprising casting choice that horror author Stephen King had in mind for a lead role, and the missed opportunity for comedy legend John Candy.

The Most Disappointing Stephen King Adaptations

Stephen King, the Master of Horror, has had many of his stories adapted into films, but not all of them have lived up to his expectations. Here are the top 9 most disappointing Stephen King adaptation...

Unveiling the Truth: Top 8 Mysteries in Stephen King Film Adaptations Explained

From spectral mists to possessed vehicles, Stephen King's novels have sparked numerous adaptations with enigmatic twists. This article demystifies the top 8 mysteries left in the wake of their cinemat...